The Coronavirus & Humanity by David Icke

the truth behind the coronavirus

This post is partly an interview from the LondonReal by Brian Rose who hosted David Icke a couple of days ago. I watched the whole interview regarding the Coronavirus, lockdown and the economic crash. I love some of the ideas of David Icke and found his take on the Coronavirus is worth mentioning here. His approach is similar to mine in terms of checking on one’s consciousness and keeping it up. I talked about it in this post check it here:

I learned to look at things in life from different angles. One way, the Coronavirus is happening is to support the agenda of some Elites let’s say to impose certain things in the minds of people for some future plots. And another way is that the Coronavirus is a blessing to this planet…How? Well, most of us are locked at home, we don’t use our cars, public transportations & Vespas, etc.

This way the planet took some time off and the Earth began to breathe normally. It began to rejuvenate. I read on a post that some fish and dolphins came back to the waters of Venice which is awesome. A friend of mine said they observed some fish in the sea in Istanbul which is something unlikely to happen during the day since ships pass by all day long.

Enjoy David Icke’s take:

David underlines that one of the key things that humans need to do is to work on developing their self-identity.

If you identify yourself with your name, your story in life, your ethnicity, and your religion. You then you are identifying with a set of labels. These labels are incredibly limited.

And those setup labels are not you but they are what you are experiencing. You are not your name and surname. You are a point of attention that can be myopic or vast within an infinite stream of consciousness, and you are a point of attention in that same consciousness that observes reality from a different point of view.

We are all points of attention in that same one consciousness, which is why racism is absurd. And if you self identify with your labels as the “I” then you see the world in a certain way, and it can be very frightening.

Yet, when you identify yourself as infinite awareness having this experience. When you leave your body, which is just a way that the body focuses our attention within a tiny band of frequency then, our attention expands far as we want it to.

Because that attention is no longer being focused through the body through the five senses. We go on experiencing and exploring forever. This is a brief experience we call it life for a point of eternal consciousness that we give a name to.

And when you observe the world from that perspective. It’s not so frightening. And you have the ability to connect the dots because you are seeing things from a panorama and not a myopic.

How does our perception work?

Our perceptions become our experience. And if you fall into fear of something. Everything that we expect in this reality even the Coronavirus is a frequency.

Every thought is a frequency. Fear is a frequency, love is a different frequency too. And we live in the sea of frequency of possibility and probability. It’s like being a computer that is living in a WIFI sea.

Within that WIFI sea everything on the Internet. And so potentially you can put anything on the Internet on your screen which resembles your experience.

Our perceptions are also frequencies. If we are in a frequency of fear, and we are generating that feeling that electromagnetic field. We are going to make a symbiotic frequency connection.

What we do is we draw to us as an experience of what we fear. Some people all the time people say “This always happens.” Or “Hey, this happened again!”.

Why does certain things keep repeating in people’s lives but do not repeat in others?

Because what they’re putting out is perception, which is a frequency field. It draws towards them like a magnetic phenomenon drawing to them what they’re putting out.

And so If you fall into fearing something the likelihood is that becoming your experience is massively increased.

That’s why we should work on changing our perceptions. I changed my perception. Think about it why is it so many people die within the period that the doctor tells them, they will probably leave? If the doctor says they will die in six months, they die in six months.

When some people have been told, they have a fatal disease. The doctor has given them a prognosis “you have so long to live” and they died.

When the postmortem is done, they didn’t have a fatal disease. Because the mind is all-powerful. It is constantly creating our reality, its perceptions of constantly becoming our experience. And so we must come to the understanding that if our reality was being controlled by our perceptions then our perception which the “Coronvirus” in this case shouldn’t trouble us anymore.

And it’s not going to progress, it’s not gonna kill millions of people on this planet especially the elder. And that’s exactly what will happen when we humans take this approach.

No vaccines, no doctors and no misery.

Everybody has the power to use their mind to dictate their own reality. Why is it that this cult ( Elites), this system is so desperate to control human perception?

Because it knows human perception becomes a human experience and if we fall into states of fear, we are going to manifest fear or the reasons to fear all around us.

But if we take our minds and consciousness back, We can create a different reality.

What is human society?

what is human society? It’s the sum total of human perception. When human perception changes, then human society must change, because it’s just a reflection of the sum total of human perception. When we love each other, we will live in a loving world. When hate each other, we will live in a world of hate. We fear, we live in a world of fear.

We are in control

Humanity was persuaded over the years that they are not in control of their lives and that is absolutely not true. We are what we believe, and the energy we put out there is what we get back.

They say the more, you know, the more, you know, there is to know. This can be true. But There’s another way the more, you know.

The more you realize how little there is to actually know to take control of your life experience. So much of the complexity hides the simple sparkling truths.

This is the misunderstanding of the academic intellectual mind. It perceives understanding complexity as intelligence and cleverness. When genius is seeing the simple hidden by complexity.

Change what you perceive and you will change what you experience. That applies to right now as the Coronavirus is on everyone’s mind. If I’m not worried about this stuff then I’m not going to react to it.

As Brian mentioned in his interview, he didn’t run to the store to collect some stuff, I didn’t and neither Mr. Icke.

Stop reacting out of fear

When you remove yourself identity to “I am an infinite point of attention within an infinite state of consciousness.” What does that immediately do? It deletes the fear of death.  

What is death?

It’s a withdrawing of our point of attention that all death is. It’s a transfer of our point of attention. That’s what it is.

Once you let go fear of death, so many things that you are able to be manipulated through that fear of death go! This understanding transforms everything.

Icke carries on saying:

When you take control of your perception, then it’s very difficult to be manipulated by any agenda going on because you understand the game. You understand the problem reaction solution and the totalitarian tiptoe.

When you understand how things work in this world. Then you know the game, you move on instead of being a victim, which is what’s happened up to this point.

*(I didn’t add the problem- reaction and other things in this post. If you are interested please visit:

This is an eternal journey and this is just an experience, we can make it a nice experience or an unpleasant one. We have the power to choose. And it’s about time we realize that, because when enough people do this cult is history.  

We need to appreciate the difference between those that control the microphones and so many people not all by any means but so many people in gathering numbers who don’t get to the microphones.

You see the activists and the climate change activists and the Coronavirus activist and the politically correct activists.

And then you talk to the public and you see a completely different perception to that. Public understanding is different. But because the people on the media dominate the microphones as they do of course because that’s the agenda, people can get the impression that that’s what the population thinks….It doesn’t…It doesn’t.

My father used to say the silent majority is silent because it’s got nothing to say. It’s time for the silent majority to speak and when we do, things will change but not until.

People should always feel free to say how they feel. The most important thing is that you shouldn’t feel like, you can’t say how you feel. You should say how you feel.

It simply comes to self-respect. I asked people. What are you doing? Allowing someone else to tell you what to think, to tell you what you can say, to tell you what you can believe! What are you doing? Where’s your self-respect?

We live in a world of psychological fascism. Where people are constantly seeking to impose their beliefs on other people, we see it with religion all the time. We see it with woke mentality all the time I believe this so you must believe that.

And if people acquiesce to that, then tyranny rules and if they don’t then we don’t. If we say you can call me what you like and people do, I don’t care. Call me this, call with that, and I respondThanks for sharing that with me. Have a nice day!

But you say it anyway. And if enough people say it and refuse to bow to this psychological tyranny imposing on our lives what we can be, what we can say what we think.

The number of people being imposed upon is vast compared with the number of people doing the imposing, I think I see a way out of this.

Stiffen the backbone grow a pair, say what you believe, have self-respect in your own uniqueness and don’t let anyone take it away.

And if we live in a world of numerous uniqueness where everyone is celebrating their own uniqueness, their own unique, all part of the same consciousness. Yes, but their own unique points of attention. Then that is true diversity.

What does every tyranny want to do?

Tyranny wants to centralize everything including perception. The more we celebrate our uniqueness the more we are withdrawing from the ability of the few at the center to dictate to everybody.

The media/Politicians: You will think this!!   You: Hmmm: No, I don’t!!!

The media/Politicians: You will say that?? No, you won’t say that!!    You: Well, I will!!!

What are they gonna do?

Why do people acquiesce and self-censor?


Get rid of fear and the world changes, because the world is controlled by fear. Delete fear, delete control.

This is the end of this post. I hope it is eye-opening. I look forward to hearing your comments, suggestions, and questions. Until then, stay safe.


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