The Coronavirus & Humanity


On March 12th, 2020 the minister of health and the minister of education announced a one week holiday for schools in Turkey and three weeks for universities. The prior night on March 11th the announced that the Coronavirus is in Turkey.

Prior to that, there were several outbreaks in many countries around the world. My observations are how people around me at work were so curious about the outbreak of it by watching and reading and even imagining about it.

The energy was tense as the focus was. Such media about fear, disaster, and negativity lays the ground for more of is being thought of to manifest. I see that we as humans are so good at attracting awful realities. We are being trained from day one through media platforms on how to be and think. We let such platforms dictate our realities instead of taking ownership of our thoughts and beliefs.

Our youngsters play videogames about apocalypse, zombies and virus outbreaks. We watch movies and serials about the walking dead and containment. such media prepare us for such scenarios.

Remember that whatever you watch or listen to sink to your subconscious mind as a suggestion.

I overstand that there is the reality of a virus and that we must take precautions by washing our hands, keep our distance and stay at home (Sending my love and peace to the people who passed away because of this disease. May you rest in love & peace). I also overstand the endless scenarios of the virus as it might be a plot by some people or beings for their agenda, maybe an accident by some Chinese scientists or the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation or even it is our Gaia Earth reacting.

Considering whatever scenario we have in place, we forget using some universal laws. Whatever we focus on expands…right? What we resist persists right?

However, we still drift away and hold onto such negative scenarios because of the suggestions provided to us in the past and now and the consciousness of the energy in the environment created by negative thoughts, distrust, and feelings.

What to do mentally & energetically in such situations?

Well, I don’t watch the TV, I’ve got two children thus children’s channels and programs play. We monitor them. My phone’s notifications are muted and I’m very careful about what to check and when as I receive a ton of messages daily. So, I check when I feel it is necessary.

  • I play some background music of one of these 528 MHZ/432 MHZ/741 MHZ/396 MHZ. Each frequency has its immense benefits such as cleansing your area from negativity, fear, dissolving infections, peace and so forth. You got the idea!
  • I meditate for five to ten minutes especially in the morning then read or listen to an uplifting audiobook.
  • Create an energy shield in my mind to protect my daughter, my son, my wife, then me and the people around me.
  • I use the four cleansing magical words which I learned from Dr. Hew Len and Dr. Joe Vitale “I’m Sorry”, “Please Forgive me”, “Thank You” & ” I Love You”. I focus on “Thank You” as it is a magical sentence that opens the doors of the universe to help me and provide whatever I need.

That is all. I then start my day doing what I need to do. Doing such things in the morning sets the day for me that I’m in control of it and that I will not allow anyone to pass me their fears which delivered to them or even they might have created it. I will just step back and say ok let’s watch.

If I’m not careful, forgot about the bad news and listened to negativity from someone then I get mentally polluted. I realize later that I must change my energy. I then stand up, stretch and take some deep breaths. When I’m focused and there’s some negativity going on around me, I do nothing or I send my blessings I get a nudge of that sometimes something tells me to pass good vibes to them.

Remember that the power in you exceeds the power of all especially when you believe that you are wanting an ultimately positive outcome to you in such a situation like the pandemic of the Coronavirus.

I send and imprint my love healing and protection in the post to you, beloved one and our planet Earth so be it.

I hope you enjoyed this post. May love, healing & protection speed to you.


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