“Be like a postage stamp. Stick to your thought until you get there”
― Bob Proctor
If we were to photograph your body with Kirlian photography, your body would be a glistening, radiating, gleaming form. You are a mass of energy at a high speed of vibration. You operate at a very high frequency. You’re moving so fast that you appear to be still.

But nothing about us is still. Our body moves at a very, very high speed. Look here for a moment(Picture 1). Let all these lines represent levels of vibration. There’s an infinite number of these vibrations.

Every frequency is hooked up to the one above and the one below. There’s no line of demarcation where one stops and the other starts.
Now if you understand this in-depth, that means everything in this universe is connected. There is only one power. This power manifests in many different forms.
We think we’re different but we only appear to be different. Actually, we’re not different at all. We are exactly the same. We just do different things. We think different thoughts. We are involved in different ideas, but we’re all connected.
I believe when we get this idea straight in our mind a lot of the problems that we have will surely go away.
Suppose that X represents where you are and where you are in your life right now. You have the ability to take a very honest, look at your life and see how you got there. Everything that’s happened is recorded in your mind and you’re going to look back and you can see how one thing led to another. Which led to another, which led to another. (Picture 2).

You met this person you met that person you moved here you lived there, you went to work here and you’ll see in your mind, how you got to where you are. Because you can look back at it. Now, when you go to look ahead, you say that’s where I want to go.
This is the dream that comes into your mind and you’ll quickly get rid of it because you don’t know how to get there.
When we think of something or rather have it in our mind. We should understand that this thing is somewhere and it isn’t created or destroyed. We’ve tuned into something that already IS, and rather than let it go what we want to understand is that there is a place for this thing that came to our mind.
It is a frequency that we tuned in on, way beyond where we’re at, in our own consciousness, this thing is real it isn’t just some fancy idea what we’ve got to understand that when we see something. It’s not just something. It’s a place. It’s a frequency. (Picture 3)

When we get on that frequency, all kinds of things start to happen. This new state of conscious awareness becomes our home from which we view the world. Act like the person you want to become. When you move on to a higher frequency, you’re gonna be communicating with a world that’s totally formed to and beyond the reach of your five senses.
When you move onto a higher frequency that’s when you start using your higher faculties. You don’t go by what you hear, smell, taste, touch but you go by what you can see in your mind. Nobody else can see.
You cannot connect the dots looking forward. You can only connect them looking backward which happens by feeling what you want, hearing, tasting & touching it.
So, you have to trust the dots somehow, since they aren’t in your current reality. Your mind won’t make sense of it. Then, step by step everything will start to happen for you. And one thing after another will start to happen, and pretty soon you find yourself there.

And when you get there. You’re gonna start to become aware that you could have gone there :)))
When this crazy feeling (unwanted ideas) takes over inside, you’ve got to understand what is taking over you and you’ve got to understand what’s causing you the problem, and you have to take control and you cannot let the paradigm control you.
It’s your responsibility, not others. What most of us do is blame others for having their current situations. I call it the victim mentality.
That crazy feeling inside starts to create doubt, fear and all kinds of nonsense.
It’s like a person inside that’s against you. That’s really what it’s like. It’s like a person that’s inside talking to, you and it’s against you. It is like New in the matrix against Mr. Smith.
It is a program. It’s a paradigm. And it talks to your consciousness when you’re alone when you’re laying in bed or getting up in the morning, or maybe when you’re standing in the shower and it’s telling you why you can’t do it, or “You don’t have the money”, “You don’t know how”, “you’re never going to get somebody to believe in this.”
All those crazy or negative sabotaging ideas are going to flow into your mind. That’s what the paradigm does to you. The paradigm builds reality and goes over and over in circles.
You can ask yourself what do you really want to do! The future must become the present in the imagination of the one who would wisely unconsciously create circumstances. We must translate vision into being. Thinking off into thinking from. Imagination must center itself upon some state, and then view the world from that state. To move, draw a higher frequency, you’ve got to consent.

In other words, your decision I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t take you there. Only you can Go there. Then you have to adapt to the ideas and feelings the new frequency represents, then you’re operating from intuition. You’re not operating by your senses or what you can see with your eyes because it’s not manifest yet.
I hope this post was helpful. I look forward to hearing your comments, suggestions & questions. Love you!