How to better your financial circumstance?

Mohand Henry Fadl
how to bettere your financial circumstance?

You can change your health, you can change your relationships, you can change your income, you can change anything.

Bob Proctor

Do you want me to tell you how to better your financial circumstances? You must take this information seriously. All negative attitudes must be removed from your consciousness. And your desperation, you are attracting further financial problems. You are focusing on poverty rather than wealth.

It may seem to you highly impractical, unrealistic and downright foolish to ignore the physical circumstances of debt and expenses. To focus upon them, I tell you is to bring more upon yourself. The rule of expectation applies. When you receive a bill do not automatically react as you have instead is if you are contemplating a new painting. Form in your mind, the image of a check to that amount. See yourself celebrating as you pay the final amount on your car.

See, in your mind’s eye, a surplus of money in your folder when the month’s expenses are paid.

Now, your financial situation will not change no matter how hard you push yourself unless you apply such simple exercises. You do not do this naturally, which is why they are required. You must indeed think consciously, in terms of plenty. Rather than that of want.

These exercises will prove themselves out in practical terms but you must give them the opportunity to prove themselves. Your subjected life has been somewhat permeated by thoughts of want and literally, poverty until you have indeed exaggerated your own situation.

The exaggerated situation could come to pass however if you persist projecting those images outward.

They would not help you get a raise but after the contrary. They have done, so in the past. I am giving you advice in very practical terms. What you do with it is up to, you. But you have severely limited yourself in this respect.

Spare some time to work things out

As long as you believe that others are taking advantage of you, they will do so. The origin is in yourself, and this is what you have not so far understood. The origin is not in others. For fifteen minutes, a day agreed to suspend critical judgment and visualize and see before your eyes the end result of what you really want. Your mind will hinder the vision you are trying to input, but that’s ok. It will work like a parasite against you but that’s ok let it be and do not feel bad. Work on creating the image you want without thinking of how.

The rest of the time consciously make an effort to control your attitude when you find yourself thinking, in terms of lack and poverty or even when you talk to others.

Then switch your thoughts to ideas of plenty. This need not involve hypocrisy indeed must not.

You must feel that this is legitimate and practical because the thoughts of plenty will automatically begin to attract plenty.

This is sufficient. There should not be an over-emphasis on material possessions or security. However. Now, this practice, if faithfully followed will bring results.

It will initiate intuitive concepts ideas in your work, which will automatically attract others to possess them. It will initiate other actions that will result in financial betterment.

I have told you that you will never be in severe financial uncertainties again. But you do not trust my word enough so far you must instead insist upon watching every dollar in the bank and fearing that it will dwindle away and then of course it does. And you think that the physical circumstances certainly justify your attitude.

But your attitude caused your circumstances. Your own worries cause difficulties. You ask why can’t my spouse’s positive attitude override my poor one. On occasion, it does indeed. Your combined abilities will serve you here when you follow my advice. You must also consider the source of your attitude.

Consider the source of your negative attitude

So, what do I mean by that?

Your father disliked his brother who was wealthy and to have money is, therefore, a betrayal of your father. Since your mother pushed your father to make money. Then to make money yourself seems like an added betrayal toward your father and seems to ally you with your mother of whose emotionalism you are always frightened. You become in the middle in between. You are angry at father because of your mother and you do not want to be wealthy because your father carries the charges of attitudes toward his hated brother…LOL, I’ve been there my friend and figured it out :)))

I sometimes look at life and what it has inside as programs allocated to us by default and somehow if we are not aware, the program or attitude that represents them goes over and over and over. Then, you look around and you see some other people around you by the law who somehow carry a similar story to ours then we, unfortunately, begin to drag each other by comforting each other that it is what it is and it is okay to be like that and there is nothing to do about it. Then, if somehow some of us try to change, this time our friends, our best friends who resist change do their best to drag you with them because it is scary and discomfort and they do not want to perish alone. I know this can be harsh to say.

An investment in knowledge pays the best interest

Benjamin Franklin

I urge you to open your eyes. I created this website for these reasons. Open your eyes, my friend. There’s no time to sleep, we have slept enough metaphorically speaking. I urge you to read more and work on your mindset. Develop and update your mindset. Zig Ziglar once said, “Rich people have small TVs and big libraries, and poor people have small libraries and big TVs.” Spare some time for reading uplifting books.

Spotting and working on these connections I’ve just mentioned should help you. The inner resistance to these ideas I am presenting should to some extent vanish as you re-read this blog post. Your own abilities as a creator are extremely strong and financial betterment in your life shall be inevitable.

I hope this post was helpful. I look forward to hearing your comments, stories, and suggestions. Love to you all.


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