How to get what you want in life? An amazing Helpful Guide!

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“You possess the power of thought and the power of will. Utilize to the uttermost these divine gifts!”

― Paramahansa Yogananda

In this blog, I’ll discuss imagination wisdom and will, and how-to, and the importance of intensifying your concentration and calmness and how all this relates to materializing your dreams.

So, what do I mean, by materializing? Well, it is what we call creation, and building the external world is a reflection of your inner world. How you believe reality to work is going to be how you experience it. And that’s you are materializing the world based on your thoughts and your feelings within. And what you hold in your imagination. This is done with your conscious mind and it’s done predominantly with your subconscious mind.

We have within us a lot of different programming values, beliefs, stories, experiences that have been accumulated through our journey in life that is in our subconscious mind. And one of the things that we do when we have not raised our consciousness is we are unaware of how these experiences stories and so forth. What is within our subconscious mind is being projected outwards in the external world through circumstance and experience.

That is what we mean by materialization. The experiences and the external world come from what is within. Now, you can consciously will yourself to do things and I believe that that’s important because one of the key factors is we want to be able to guard your mind. Now, that you have the awareness that a large part of the materialization of your external world is done subconsciously through experiences, or I’ll call it playing theatre with others and life.

Then, what we want to realize is that concentration and really awareness and presence on the kind of information that we’re taking in is going to impact and perform in a way that will materialize based on that information goes into the subconscious mind, which we can guard with our conscious mind. We can selectively choose the kind of information we’re taking in. This is going to go into our subconscious mind and not just information the meaning we are giving the feeling we’re giving to that information.

When you internalize negative feelings like anger, resentment and so forth what happens is that goes into your subconscious mind and you will materialize representations on the external world, physical materialization agents based on those feelings from within.

Thus, want to be aware of the kind of meaning we are giving to information that we are consuming. And we also want to be aware of the kind of information we are taking in and how we are feeling about it. And this is all sensory input, all sensory input, hearing, touching, seeing all the sensory input. We want to be able to ensure that we input into our subconscious mind, empowering uplifting information that is related to our vision. So, creating a vision is a process of using your imagination.

Neville Goddard talks a lot about living in the imagination. The imagination is connected to the astral plane or the astral world, which is where we come from. Now, you may or may not believe in this ideology. But if you realize that you have had experiences where you were able to create something that has never been created before as a result of inspiration and this is what Napoleon Hill calls infinite intelligence, then you’ll see that there’s probably some truth to it and you can recreate it again and again and again.

Now, you can access this information in your imagination. Let’s talk about using the imagination to materialize our dreams and what we desire. Imagination is a portal through which you can transcend the imposed limitations of this world. What is within our imagination? While the large part of our imagination is information that we receive from others that we imagine, and we recreate based on those experiences that we’ve had in our past and the visions and ideas and what other people’s thinking.

Now, the problem with this is, if you have limited thinking that you’ve learned, you will recreate that as a limitation in the external world. So, that’s what we want to do is we wanna take an inventory by experiencing imagination and Neville Goddard talks about this by referring to it as mental conversations. The ideas are the conversations that you have with yourself in your mind, create your reality. The conversations that you have with yourself, or how you think of others, which is, by the way, the conversations you have with yourself is materializing in the external world.

If you doubt within it will materialize as a person or circumstance to reveal to you, you’ve dealt with it. Thus, then the imagination is a valid and powerful tool and is actually the only tool to create everything. It is through your imagination that you are able to fathom or create anything that does not exist right now it is through your imagination that you visualized and created dreams and desires, which eventually became fulfilled.

Your imagination is a powerful tool, and we must nurture and protect it and most people who do not consciously guard their mind with the conscious faculties of reason, critical thinking, and awareness, and the conscious choice will end up assuming information that will go into the subconscious mind unknowingly and that information will project into the imagination and will have the person imagining or having certain kinds of conversations with self that will materialize accordingly.

If it’s a circumstance that we do not like, it is probably related to information that’s taken in that we did not want to take and that’s not beneficial for us.  I tell you that the things which do not exist now in this world will be created for you. Imagination can be materialized when you sit still and let it go as far as you can into the realm of your cherished dreams and goals.

And if you can hold your mind to one-pointed concentration on the image of what you want to achieve, it will be shown to you in true to life vision. When you keep your attention on your vision specifically predominantly throughout the day while taking inventory of anything that distracts you from your vision only to reorient yourself back to your vision the materialization happens.

How does materialization happen?

Well, it depends as you believe, it shall be done on to you. So, how you believe is how you will materialize. Now if we keep an open mind by allowing imagination to wildly run free and be open to the possibility that you will attract. Alternative ways of bringing it forth then we opened our mind up to easier, faster, better ways of materializing that what is in our imagination.

I found out by releasing my biases on how things will materialize things materialize in the most unexpected ways because I am now open to it because I’m not gripping in my mind maybe a limited or very kind of narrow way of bringing it forth, which, by the way, will work. Because as you believe, so, it shall be shown to you. So that’s if you want to materialize your dreams, you have to open up your mind.

Meditation is Key

Now, meditation is about going within self-realization and not really being drowned out by the opinions of others thinking. You have access to imagination, and you have access to higher faculties, like infinite intelligence within you and you can pull from the vast amount of experiences that you have already experienced in life in your subconscious. mind that’s there, you can access if you learn how to listen and trust yourself.

This is where self-confidence and faith are very important. One of the reasons why we want to build self-confidence and self-esteem is to be able to tap into the abilities to bring forth our vision, in our own unique way by not feeling limited by the thinking of others that is in the external world if you have consumed that information.

Now, it doesn’t mean that the external world is limited. What it means is that we might have been consuming information that is limited. So, it’s not about putting other people down and saying they are wrong. It’s about having the understanding that everybody has different opinions in ways of doing things.

 And you want to do is tap into a way that works right for you. And if a thought, or information is disempowering or limiting to you, you do not have to consume or adopt it but question it and you can always realize the implications of a thought.

You can question and see how everything that shows up as far as information is either moving you toward your vision or moving you away from your vision and you can consciously choose to give it a meaning that is empowering for you.

Nothing comes from, without all things come from, within mainly through the subconscious. So, as our consciousness goes. You have a high degree of awareness. Your awareness goes up.

What happens when your awareness goes up?

Well, as your awareness goes up, you have a better ability to see cause and effect short term, medium-term and long term long-range cause and effect. You become able to project outwards and see the implications of an action you do today ten, fifteen, twenty, thirty, forty years down the road and you can then make conscious decisions as to what you do, and how that plays out all throughout your life. This can be very helpful for health, wellness, financial areas and just about every area that’s important to you.

When you raise your consciousness up by practicing meditation by looking and being mindful of how your words, your actions, your behaviors impact the lives of others and so forth by listening and understanding by acquiring wisdom, by doing your consciousness goes up and as a result of this, you become more aware of what’s in your subconscious as Carl Jung said you do not become enlightened by imagining beings of light, but by making the darkness conscious, so we make the darkness conscious or the areas in our subconscious that we’re not aware of by increasing our consciousness and our awareness through practice through presence, through mindfulness, and then we become more aware of how we are the cause in certain situations in our lives when our consciousness was not that high, we never see how we were the cause we just blamed it on someone else or whatever.

And then after when our consciousness goes up we see how we created it and then we go to work on it and one of the things that happen with an individual that has risen to a higher level of consciousness is, they realize, the power of their subconscious mind.

We must understand the subconscious mind and the power behind it so we want to guard, nurture, protect and we want to feed our subconscious mind with information that stimulates our imagination.

To develop mental imaging, sit in a room and concentrate on visualizing everything in another unseen room until your immediate surroundings disappear. And see the exact detail everything in the other room by practice, develop proficiency in visualization, which is the concentration of the mind’s eye on what you wish to achieve the de-visualization, vanishing, any images that distract you from what you are concentrating on and de-visualization.

So, when you visualize that, what is specifically what you desire you, de-visualize, remove the images in your imagination, which you do not want to see brought forth these powers pf imagination are used together with the power of will power of inner silence, power of concentration and opening of the spiritual eye will lead you to the astral realm and increased ability to manifest your thoughts in material form such as the power of thought the Lord’s creative principle that brought everything in the universe into manifestation first as casual ideas of consciousness and then as subtle life forms, and in the astral world and then by materialization of those blueprints in the physical world.

From the Astro world, we came to birth, and there we shall return by death. Someone asked me why we should try to connect to the actual world down to this. I replied because this is where you will realize the freedom of your true nature. You were there as a soul cloaked in an astral forum to start with and because you are there, you are not there now and have lost the memory why all your misery persists but entering the other world, we learn the causes and healings of all sufferings and diseases we discover the secrets of our existence, what happens after death and we were, and where we were before birth and how to live in the material world without losing our divine connection. And this is found in your imagination. The more you practice living in your imagination.

Visualizing and connecting and other practices that help you connect more with a vivid imagination. The more you’re going to tap into deeper understandings and realizations of how this works, and as a result of it, you’re gonna get unique ideas and perspectives, and this can come from the astral plane if you wanna look at from this perspective, or you can call it infinite intelligence or whatever you wanna call it.

And these ideas hunches and inspirations are going to show you alternative ways of doing things that will help you bring forth your vision and then you can visualize and you can nurture those hunches and inspirations and you can dimensionalize them in your mind and then materialize them in form.

Think of great inventors who have created things that literally changed the world from wireless networks to airplanes to computer technologies to just everything that you see out in the external world as far as technology. All of that started in the imagination, and it came as a net result of believing in something that does not exist, but an idea came to the person and they held onto that idea and believed that was possible and then materialized it to be so.

Wisdom & Will

We should exercise our willpower. Exercising your will, and the way to do it is just observe when your thoughts are wandering into a direction that is not related to your vision. That is not consciously where you want them to be in a place of your imagination or that what you are working on, and then as you are taking notes and ask yourself why is my mind wandering in these directions? It’s not where I consciously want it to go. Do not resent that. Don’t resist it, but seek to understand why.

And go and evolve it within. The problem of your mind, wandering onto some area, that’s not related to your mission can be found by addressing it now, as you go about doing everything you do, every day, you can practice reorienting your attention back on your vision on your imagination that’s going to train your will other things that train your will our morning routines and anything that can practice your ability to stay focused on what you’re doing and do it from a place of flow, which is what challenge meets skill.

This is where chemicals in your brain, actually get released to keep you engaged in what you’re doing. See, this is the real way to develop “Will”. Not by force, we are utilizing power here versus force. Real power is aligning with the natural elements and aligning physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual altogether.

So that you remain with will on division. Without the use of force. I can say that it takes practice to get there. Some might be able to get there faster. Some might not. Some were able to get there faster and some took many years, ten, twenty years to be able to get to a really high level. However, this is one of the keys. We have to keep it a consideration. If we want to be able to create success.

We have to keep our mind on the vision and as a result of it, we’ll learn will grow and through that concentration. We will acquire more wisdom. Because there’re many ways to solve the problem. The way to look at something that stands in your way is to maintain concentration with absolute faith and belief that you will overcome and stay with it if you apply strong willpower to realizing that vision, ultimately, it will manifest. healings can be affected, success attained, disasters in your environment are lessened or avoided seemingly impossible needs or worthy wishes fulfilled.

 You simply become like a magician. When all the odds go against you. You do not listen to them like the news or statistics of the bad economy, so what other people say about the odds you learn to go within yourself and trust your imagination. You just relax and allow the subconscious mind to bring forth the vision in the most harmonious way. Now, that’s one of the key areas, the spirit of harmony.

When you’re in harmony like that, everything works in your favor. So you always just say, win for me, win for the other people involved as part of what you are visualizing and win for the divine consciousness or evolution when you keep these three factors into consideration. You will notice that the materialization becomes even faster.

You will have a lot more calmness within you a sense of confidence and a sense of faith. It’s easier to maintain faith when you operate from a place of abundance consciousness, which easily defined is a win for you, and win for the other person and win for everyone else.

 Do not form attachments to this world if you do, you are, in trouble, you are going to be sadly disappointed. This is not your home. Earth is not your home. The heavenly kingdom of God is your home lived there now no matter what you are doing concentrate on your inner peace and calmness. So what does this mean? Well, notice how, what you resist persists

 What you try to grab and force gets away. What we’re really working with here is the mind and the mind operates differently using mental images and visualizing and materializing. Based on your mental imagery and the imagination and the philosophies of Neville Goddard and Paramahansa Yogananda and others that teach this philosophy is not done from a place of force when you attach it doesn’t work, you’re trying to do it in a way where you’re forcing it. And there are many infinite ways of doing it that are outside of the forceful ways of doing it. In fact, the forceful ways of doing it are very limited those that we’re able to transcend and as a result of it creating a way, more abundance.

The scarcity thinking has this heavy dark energy associated with it and has very limited resources and outcome and abundance thinking and abundance feeling, and just being in a place of gratitude and appreciation and feeling that. there’s enough for all put out that energy and attracts it.

The imagination, what’s in the mind materializes in the external world so that’s abundance consciousness, well-being for all and looking at reality as whatever it is that you desire your souls desire is yours and nobody can take that away from you will allow you to tap into your subconscious mind, infinite intelligence and all resources that are accessible by yourself conscious mind.

If you release the grip with your conscious mind through attachment. When you do that, you’ll find creative ways to be able to bring it forth in your imagination. Creative ways will show up.

 Intensify Your Concentration and Calmness

There’s a difference between intensifying your concentration and being attached. So the way to look at this is about having a burning desire now when someone does not. Know how to work with the burning desire the burning desire can easily turn into desperation and attachment and needing approval and validation in order to get the thing. And that’s not the kind of energy you wanna work with.

We want concentration and calmness on our vision and allow it to materialize by observing what shows up in our imagination, observing what shows up in our environment, and it’s done from a place of grace and ease and this is something that takes practice. If you are constantly surrounded by information that is going into your subconscious mind, that’s all about force. You’re gonna find that this breaks this process. So you have to again be very conscious and aware of the kind of information taking in. Keep concentrated on your vision.

And then maintain a certain level of calmness, the calmer, the better that you experience real faith. When you do that, you release the conscious mind, and you allow the subconscious mind to do its work.

So, by increasing the intensity of your concentration and calmness, you can consciously realize your connection with the unlimited realm of the astral world. In meditation when you think you are the calmest and gradually your consciousness will become attuned to a higher dimension.

By having this mindset, you will find yourself materializing and attracting more abundance, prosperity, wellbeing and people because. People love to be around others that have good energy, good vibe, and confidence.

And you’re less likely to be swayed by the opinions of others who want to consume information that is negative and makes you feel limited does further going into your subconscious mind to materialize.

So, it’s a very beautiful thing. Now, how do you do this?

Well, by observing yourself.  You can meditate by detecting and feeling your energy about anything. For example, if you want something, see if you come from a point of need or calmness. If you come from a place of attachment or neediness so that’s what you have to configure by placing calmer & kinder energy for you and your surroundings.

Be consciously choosing what you want to do, which is related to your vision. Concentrate from a place of flow, a place of warm and calm energy, and doing what needs to be done. And if things throw you off, you learn to adjust and see it as an exercise to reorient yourself back into the calm energy. And then forget it until it needs your attention again. When you are attached to something, you are essentially trying to do it by force and we want the creativity of the subconscious mind to be accessed so we must release the grip from any attachments or scarcity. And then what you’ll find is you’ll have access to the solution. Harmony, love, success, and abundance will inevitably dwell on you.

Study this stuff and take it to your heart. I hope this blog helps you.

Thank you

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