A Simple Manifestation Technique


“He who is the cause of all life acts through the sense of feeling. You can think of a thousand things, yet not be moved to act upon one of them. A deep conviction – felt, is far more important than anything you could ever think.”

– Neville Goddard

If you want to attract something, you have to first feel it. It is, for instance, difficult to feel something if you don’t believe in it and cannot relate to it. But if you believe in something, you have to first feel it in order to attract it. The more you can find out what kind of things you believe in, the better your ability to attract them. The beauty of this concept when you apply on a small scale and get results, manifestations will ignite you to generate feelings towards the impossible.

I want you to experiment this. Do it for 3 minutes. Look around you and choose an object. Study the object carefully its colour, texture and so forth. Try to see it in your mind. See it, touch it and maybe play with it. What colour is it? How does it feel? See it from all angles. When you do this, you actually start to materialize something in the unseen. It’s the first step in creation. Take deep breaths while practicing.

Feeling is Key

Then, see in your mind that you are using this object. If it is a chair, sit on it. This time I want you to hear something. I want you to hear the chair or the sound that comes when you sit on it, the sound of you when you sit on it. Feel the action of sitting make yourself so focused on these actions. I want you to feel the action that comes when you stand up. Or the sound that comes when you stand up and sit down.

Be Consistent

Do the same exercise on any object and I recommend you to start small. Thus, when you manifest the object you want, you would be more confident. Think of an eraser, a cup of water or juice offered to you.

Practice as much as you want but do not do it once as you want to build the energy field of creation and matter. I look forward to hearing your comments even your manifestations.


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