How Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind?


“As you sow in your subconscious mind, so shall you reap in your body and environment.”

― Joseph Murphy, The Power of Your Subconscious Mind –

Ninety-five percent of our life comes from the programs of life and how to live it. We actually get the programs in the first seven years of life.

That’s why poor people stay poor and rich people stay rich.

The movie the matrix is not science fiction. It’s a documentary. Every human first seven years is in a kind of hypnosis state. The brain of a child under seven is in a specific vibrational frequency that absorbs what is in its surroundings.

Any child below seven has lower vibration and consciousness. It’s called Theta. Theta is imagination. That’s how kids play a tea party with mug pies but to them, it’s a real thing. A kid rides a broom and It’s like a horse.

Theta imagination is also hypnosis and the idea is this before you can become conscious if you don’t have any programs, what are you going to be conscious on. So, nature makes the first seven years.

What kind of programs are required to live on this planet? I say, how do you get them? Theta hypnosis, you just watch your parents, watch your siblings and your community, because you have to learn thousands of rules, and just to be a functional member of a family and a functional member of a community there are rules. Children in this period observe, watch and live these rules. They actually download them.

There’s this book called “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” and basically it mentions that when you come from a poor family and you could struggle your whole life and try and get rich but you’re not gonna make it. On the other hand, you come from a rich family, you could be stupid your whole life and make it :))) That’s unbelievable, right?

 And simply this is not because rich people think in a different way but their behaviors are unconscious and that they were downloaded from their rich family. So, they’re making the right moves unconsciously if they engage their conscious mind then they look stupid, or you might say “How on Earth do they deserve such wealth?” but the whole thing you observe from lavishness to luxurious stuff is actually unconscious.

And that’s the same thing with poor people. Poor people have beliefs from the family such as “You can’t make it”, “Life is a struggle” , “Things are hard”  “Who do you think you are?”  And if that’s the program, you get then ninety-five percent of the day, you sabotage themselves. And that’s where poor people stay poor and rich people stay rich as a consequence of the programming.

Ninety-five percent of our life comes from those programs and the subconscious every day only about five percent of the life you are using your conscious mind, which is creative.

 It’s like your life is being lived and you think you’re living your life and we don’t see it, because of the fact that the subconscious is below the conscious.

Ascended masters, many philosophers, and inventors knew this information. They knew that the first seven years in a child is important, miracles, love, and magic can be built there.

1) Recognize Where You Struggle within Life

To look for constructive solutions regarding our unconscious programming, we shouldn’t try to think about what happened or what’s going on but rather taking a look at our life, look at the things you like that come into your life because you have a program that supports them,

But anything you struggle with, work hard at, put a lot of effort into making it happen means that you have a program that doesn’t support what you are working hard on to achieve and the problem is that you without being aware is trying to override that program.

Ask yourself “Where am I struggling?” Because wherever you’re struggling within your life,  is a program in your subconscious that does not support the things you have been striving for.

2) Insert New Programs Into Your Subconscious Mind

Is it possible? Of course yes. You can reprogram your unconscious mind with programs of your choice. The conscious mind is creative and can learn in any number of ways like reading a self-help book, going to a lecture or reading this blog post and your conscious mind is going to get some awareness, however, your subconscious mind may not be involved in the process. Thing is your subconscious mind does not learn that way.

The Subconscious Mind Learns in Two Fundamental Ways

First, hypnosis, which is the first seven years. The second one is repetition. Repetition is what you need to do after age seven. Repetition and practice.

What do you do if you want to drive a car?

You didn’t learn how to drive by just getting in the seat and put the key in the ignition in but you have to practice driving the car right?

 When you learned the alphabet, how many times did you go from A to Z? Once? Of course not. Tens of times. You repeated that over and over again and once you’ve memorized and internalized them, you didn’t have to go back and do them again.

So, two phases you want to train your subconscious mind “Hypnosis” & “Repetition”. I like repetition though as when you repeat the phrase “I’m happy” five, ten, twenty times it isn’t about now and you are not talking to your conscious. By repetition, you open the doorways to the subconscious mind. You push your words from the conscious and add some feeling to what you say without paying attention to your current situation as your conscious will go screaming “No, You are not” but keep saying that until you feel it in every atom in your body and that moment is when you are in the subconscious. I believe in the phrase “Fake it until you make it”. It is true that in my search about how rich & successful people became so, is that they put themselves in a reality of success or being rich. They dressed, looked, walked, talked and acted like rich people.

When the subconscious gets your repetition of “I am happy.”  and ninety-five percent of your life comes from that subconscious, there will be a point once the subconscious got  “I am happy”. You won’t have to say it again.

It will be automatic. Yes, it will be automatic and that’s the beauty of training your subconscious mind. Once it gets it. It’s done. Of course, you may still have setbacks here and there but your attitude will be like “Ok. How am I gonna turn this to work for me?!”. And that’s why we see people do affirmations and gratitudes journals and stuff because if you do that daily, it’s repetitive. That’s the secret part. Recite the words out loud.

Putting a sticky note on the refrigerator is more like a suggestion, but it’s not a repetition. So it doesn’t work very well. But you have to do the repetition and it is a habit. So you gotta do something religiously in the sense of repeating it, repeating it, and repeating it to make it work.

I hope you enjoyed reading this post. I look forward to hearing your comments and experiences.


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