Our Thoughts on the American Elections 2020 – A message from the 5th High Light Dimension πŸ˜‡πŸŒŒπŸ§˜β€β™‚οΈπŸ’šπŸŒˆβ­πŸ•―πŸ¬πŸ‘½

We’d like to give our opinion about the current situation on November 6th, 2020 and this shall go to eternity to awaken our brothers and sisters on this physical density.

We observe that a lot is going on…darkness, fear, revenge, killing, and tyranny. This is simply the plot to make damage in the frequency of the planet. A lot of disturbance and disasters have been happening lately. It won’t work. The new frequencies are coming intensely to this planet. There’s no way back. Whoever is creating disharmony won’t succeed.

Now let’s get back to our point:

The 2 candidates are contained within the same system. It is a dualistic system, an antagonistic system a deeply hostile and corrupted system. One of them is a lot less corrupt and more transparent and honest than the other one, that is true. Whereas the other one is deeply beholden to certain forces that have been at play on this planet for a long time.

However, the first one is still affected by their deeply entrenched and corrupt systems. Even if we vote somebody in, there are systems at play that are not affected by whoever is the president of the United States of America. Such as banking systems, geopolitical systems, globalists groups, military systems, and many more. These things are never affected by your vote and the voting that is taking place (even if you deeply believe that it is).

Let’s focus within and just to focus on that β€œknowing”. The more you focus on that knowing, the stronger it gets. What is happening right now it is not as relevant for the outcome that it is inevitable. It truly is not. Turn off your televisions. The news will never give you a reason to hope, a reason to smile, a reason to believe in a positive and bright future. And that is because you are being played. They are using you. Remember your focus is the most precious gift you could give to anyone or anything.

Also, there are many.. mmm β€œenergetic upgrades” coming in… and if you are not able to integrate these energies – you can only integrate high energies when you are vibrating at a certain frequency – because you are focusing too much on the negative, on what does not matter, it’s only going to make you go.. β€œcrazy” (and even violent)

Keep it up my friend!

Love & Gratitude

Hi, my name is Mohand Fadl and I am an educator with a keen interest in personal & spiritual help and development. This site was set up to help you in your journey of life and be a beacon hub for like-minded people. Please feel free to contact me if you have any comments, questions or suggestions.


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