Mohand Henry Fadl at Oneness University
Mohand Henry Fadl at Oneness University

In this blog, I will share with you the steps to God-Realization and awakening. These steps were shared with us during my visit to India with my wife. The teachers shared the teachings of Sri AmmaBhagavan with us every day. I went through deep contemplation upon each of them as we were advised to do so. It is highly recommended to carry these teachings with you and take a glance, study & contemplate on them every now and then.

Henry and Natali Fadl

We had the chance to stay there at Oneness University for more than two weeks. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to experience all the period with its powerful processes and because of that we weren’t officially announced as awakened. Attending a month period was compulsory to be considered as awakened.

I had some of my amazing epiphanies, aha moments, inspirations, transformation and miracles at the campus of G3 and the lovely temple. I miss those days, the temple, the big gardens of the campuses and the silence.

Henry Fadl

In order to tap into higher levels of awakening, you have to be liberated from some points which I will mention here. Some of these points have to be internalized by you. Knowing doesn’t get you anywhere but living and experiencing each of these is a doorway into enlightenment. You become one with the divine. The divine can talk, walk and guide you even manifests physically in different forms, manifest in ways that your mind won’t comprehend or even make sense.

Henry Fadl
Homa Process

Liberation from Suffering

The Awakened One suffers, therefore there is no suffering. The unawakened one moves away from suffering, therefore there is suffering.

Liberation from Fear

The Awakened One knows no fear. The unawakened one knows nothing but fear.

Liberation from Conflict

The Awakened One has no conflict. The unawakened one is in conflict.

Liberation from Hurt

The awakened one does not get hurt therefore there’s nothing to forgive. The unawakened one gets hurt; therefore tries to forgive.

Henry Fadl

Liberation from Dissatisfaction

The Awakened One sees the imperfect as perfect in itself; end hence rejoices in the way things are. The unawakened one sees imperfection everywhere, and hence he is unhappy and dissatisfied with the way things are.

Liberation from Judgment

The Awakened One is non-judgmental. The unawakened one is judgmental.

Liberation from Attachment

The Awakened One knows no attachment. The unawakened one knows nothing but attachment.

Mohand Henry Fadl

Liberation from Pleasure

The Awakened One has no cause for his ¡oy,
and therefore nothing affects his joy. The unawakened one knows only pleasure or pain, dependent on all that is happening.

Liberation from Day Dreaming

The Awakened one experiences all the time. The unawakened one dreams all the time.

Liberation from Images

The Awakened One is free of all images about oneself.
The unawakened one is full of images about oneself.

Mohand Henry Fadl

Liberation from Thought Disturbance

Thoughts are subtle, divisive and elusive; and an expression of the self. They wander as they like, create judgment and a troubled and disturbed mind and prevent Awareness from happening.

The unawakened must learn to direct, to control and to quieten thoughts by ruling over them.

The awakened One has moved beyond judgment, for he has gone beyond thought; as he is always ‘Aware’.

Liberation from Personalities

The Awakened One sees no person, only personalities.
The unawakened one sees a person with personalities.

Liberation from Boredom and Loneliness

The Awakened One wonders at life.
The unawakened one finds life ordinary.

Liberation from Perfection

The Awakened One sees everything as perfect.
The unawakened one sees everything as imperfect.

Liberation from Craving

The Awakened One does not crave.
The unawakened one keeps craving.

Liberation from Permanence

The awakened one knows nothing is permanent.
The unawakened one seeks for permanence.

Liberation from Past and Future

The Awakened One lives in the moment. The unawakened one lives in the past or the future.

Liberation from Resistance

The Awakened One knows no resistance.
The unawakened one is full of resistance.

Liberation from Carelessness

The Awakened One is naturally responsible.
The unawakened one is afraid of responsibility.

Liberation from Work & Society

The Awakened One makes use of conditioning.
The unawakened one is made use of by conditioning.

Liberation from Civilization & Knowledge

Liberation from the Mind

The Awakened One is free of the mind. The unawakened one is a prisoner of the mind.

Liberation from the Self

Thoughts are not your thoughts. Mind is not your mind. Body is not your body. Self is only a concept.

Mohand Henry Fadl

Liberation of the Senses

The Awakened One is controlled by the senses.
The unawakened one controls the senses.

Liberation of Life

The Awakened One flows with life.
The unawakened one struggles with life.

Once those teachings are achieved and internalized, a person experiences higher levels of consciousness and becomes God Realized…becomes one with the Divine, God or whatever you want to call it…

This is the song of LiberationWonderful


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