Experiencing Spiritual Transformation


In this post, I’ll share some of the teachings I received from Sri Bhagavan and explained by some of my Dasas (Teachers) in Chennai India at Oneness University during my deepening process. There several ways to achieve or rather reach higher levels of spiritual transformation depending on many many factors. Some of them may relate to your life purpose at this lifetime. And just to let you know this is one way that Oneness university applies to truth seekers.

Remember that when you ask for something big like enlightenment or spiritual transformation you’ve got to be ready for real turmoils and challenges as the spiritual transformation happens through unfavorable life challenging events but it is not the case as we all differ and have several things to walk through during a lifetime.

According to Bhagavan to experience spiritual transformation something has to awaken you. To overstand awakened, we should boil down unawakened.          

The observer is the observed. For the unawakened person, there is this division between the observer and the observed. When you get awakened this division ceases. You realize the observer and the observed are one. So, I shall repeat: if you see the observer and the observed as separate, you are unawakened. Once you are awakened beyond the level you see that the observer and the observed are the same. That is the change we are talking about.

One of the most important teaching Sri Bhagavan talks about frequently is staying with the ‘What Is’ without effort, experiencing the ‘What Is’ without effort and being aware of the ‘What Is’ without effort. And this is possible only if you are awakened. Then when you do this you actually move into the awakened state. As you move into the state more often, you get transformed.

How to progress towards transformation and God-realization after awakening?

Through some rituals/Saddhanas applied by the teachers at the temple of Oneness University they first transform your brain which means a  change has happened in your brain whereby you’ would be able to stay with the “what is “ without effort. That you must practice.

Initially, you must put effort and stay with the ‘what is’ Then slowly the effort ceases and it becomes automatic – staying with the ‘what is’ effortlessly happens. And you keep on doing that until it crosses 49 minutes. When it crosses 49 minutes changes, physical changes start happening in your heart. When the brain changes the heart changes. Now the heart and the brain are closely linked. But very often in our cases, the head is controlling all your activities. Now once this happens the heart begins to control all your activities.

We call this ‘Christian awakening’ or you discover unconditional love. That happens. Once this has happened and the brain has changed-and they continue for more than 49 minutes you move into ‘Taoist awakening’.

In ‘Taoist awakening’ you would simply flow with life. That begins to happen automatically. Or it also leads to Islamic surrender or we call it ‘ Islamic awakening’. That’s what happens. And then finally changes begin to happen in what’s called your Agneya chakra (third eye chakra). It moves there where you discover ‘Buddhist awakening’. The third eye works as a projector in our life. Think of a board projector. The programming in your mind changes. The neuropathways in your brain shift their ways and wiring. This way, whatever sent to the projector is different from the had been projected before.

In ‘ Buddhist awakening’ there is absolutely no craving and there are no views. That happens. And then the kundalini goes up further and the Sahasrara (crown chakra) gets activated.

And then you come upon ‘Hindu awakening’. In ‘ Hindu awakening’ what happens is your senses get disjointed. For example, when you see you cannot hear when you hear you cannot smell when you smell you cannot touch. But it looks as though it’s all happening at the same time because these senses are being coordinated so very fast. That gives the illusion of your being there.

Actually you are not there but the senses are creating that illusion a trick being played on you by your brain as though you are there.   In “Hindu awakening” this is slowed down. That is when you hear you cannot smell when you smell you cannot touch. In a fraction of a second, it is  separated

Once that happens the self is gone. What you call the biological self is gone. If you look at a tree you are not there looking at the tree – only the tree is there.

If you look at the moon you are not looking at the moon – only the moon is there. It is filling your consciousness. That is all. You are not there. When you look at the sky only the sky is there. Whatever you look at that only that thing is there. You are not there. That is ‘Hindu awakening’.

Now all this happens step by step. You have to be going on practicing staying with the ‘what is’.

Once you get the *”Paramatma” in your life physically then you will only have to say “I want Christian awakening”;

One Deeksha – it is done.

You must say “I want Buddhist awakening”; one Deeksha – it is done.

“I want Islamic awakening”; one Deeksha | it is done.

“I want Hindu awakening”; one Deeksha – it is done.

It’s all over. We call this the ‘short way’. That is the ‘long way’.

* Paramatma is the Absolute Atman, or supreme Self, in various philosophies such as the Vedanta and Yoga schools in Hindu theology.

How can I know that my transformation is in progress?

There are two kinds of experiences. The awakened experience and conversion experience. We have different experiences. First, there is the awakening experience. This could either be sudden or gradual. This makes you awakened.

When we say you are awakened what it means is you could be aware of what is going on at any time. You could still get angry, you could still get hurt. But your awareness, you could instantly get out of it. The one who has had a conversion experience is a transformed person. He or she does not get angry or hurt in the first place. After your awakening, we are moving to a deep conversion experience. Saints and sages have gone through the conversion experience. It is only if you have had a conversion experience you could get close to God. Those who have had this experience speak and talk with God.

What happens during the process of transformation after awakening?

The brain is neuroplastic in nature. When the brain changes, your perception changes. When perception changes, your brain changes. What they do at Oneness University is they initiate a brain change. And when the brain changes, they tell you, you are awakened.

Now when the brain changes, initially, you might be aware of it or you might not be aware of it. Therefore they tell you, you are awakened or not. And we also give you a number. The number indicates the amount of change that has taken place in the brain. This you could call the first step of awakening.

Once this has happened, you will be able to stay with the ‘what is’ without effort. When that happens, they call it the second level of awakening. Now when this happens, you might be aware that you’re awakened, or you might not be awakened, or you might not be aware that you’re awakened. In which case, they again inform you whether you are awakened or not and what has happened to the brain.

At the third level the staying with the ‘what is’ happens for more than 49 minutes. Initially, it happens for 3 minutes, 5 minutes, 7 minutes and then slowly it moves to 49 minutes. When it moves to 49 minutes, you will know you are awakened.

At the third level the staying with the ‘what is’ happens for more than 49 minutes. Initially, it happens for 3 minutes, 5 minutes, 7 minutes and then slowly it moves to 49 minutes. When it moves to 49 minutes, you will know you are awakened.

No one needs to tell you “you are awakened”. You know it. Once that happens, transformation starts. Transformation means the flowering of the heart. The flowering of the heart means, just like the brain change, the heart physically changes. Once that happens, you will feel connected to people, to animals, to plants, to the whole of nature and you’re deeply concerned about others and you become very, very responsible and you become totally conflict-free. This is the third level of awakening.

Once this has happened, staying with the ‘what is’ without effort grows in time. It becomes 2 hours, 3 hours, 4 hours. Finally, it becomes 24 hours and it happens very naturally and easily like breathing. Once that happens, we call you fully awakened or we say you are enlightened and no one needs to tell you that. You will know it for yourself.

And then begins God-Realization. Now this whole process, Oneness University calls it the long way. It’s a long process.  The short process is or the short way is your divine must physically manifest to you. And if your divine physically manifests to you and talks to you, it’s all over in no time. Be it full awakening or transformation or anything for that matter. It’s all over in no time.      

You’re staying with ‘the what is’ without effort, the time duration increases. And when it becomes 24 hours of the day, then you are ready for God-Realization. This is called the long way. There is also a short way.

That is, your divine must become physical to you. This is where things become odd. You must be able to shake hands with your divine. You must be able to touch your divine. You must be able to talk to your divine. In other words, you must be able to walk and talk with your divine.

Once that happens, you just ask your divine that you must become enlightened. It’s all over. You ask your divine that you must realize the divine. Then you begin to realize your divine. Similarly, if you have a financial problem, you ask your divine to help. And your financial problem is automatically solved.

If you have a health problem, like say cancer, you ask your divine and you are instantly cured. Whatever you want, you ask your divine and you get it. That is between you and your divine. There is no middleman. There is nothing for you to do. You ask and your divine gives it to you. This is the short way.

This is the end of the blog. Feel free to contact me if you have any further questions. I hope this was helpful. May love speed to you.


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