In this post I’ll share with you several ways to heal your subconscious mind. Any griming, frustrating, or saddening thoughts can be healed. There are many ways to heal yourself. You can use the power of thought by stating words and affirming the opposite, you can use a guided meditation with visualization or you can use high positive vibrational sound for healing your subconscious mind.
“In the infinity of life where I am, all is perfect, whole, and complete. The past has no power over me because I am willing to learn and to change. I see the past as necessary to bring me to where I am today. I am willing to begin where I am right now, to clean the rooms of my mental house. I know it doesn’t matter where I start, so I now begin with the smallest and the easiest rooms, and in that way I will see results quickly. I am thrilled to be in the middle of this adventure, for I know I will never go through this particular experience again. I am willing to set myself free. All is well in my world.”
Louise Hay

Healing yourself is like cleaning your house
Think of healing your subconscious mind like cleaning a dusty disorganized home. You go around the room, look around, and then decide where to begin and what to do. You might begin by cleaning the living room or the attic or maybe the basement.
The same thing goes to your subconscious mind, observe what bubbles up, and decide to begin with it any of the processes I will share with you today. In this post I will share three powerful strategies to heal your subconscious mind.
Can you clean without tools or detergents?
Next, besides deciding where to begin you will need your detergents right? Your broom, dustpan, mop, scrub brush, spray bottle and cloths. Meaning you will need patience, perseverance, observation, intention, willing to heal and change your subconscious mind to work for you.
Affirm your intention
Affirm the following “I’m healing my subconscious mind.”, ”My subconscious mind is healed.” Then add “This happens in a way for the highest good of me and of all concerned.” Saying this will set the signal into motion. Things will change. The more you affirm, the more the universe rearranges itself for you.

Dedicate yourself for the process
When I feel and notice that I want change, I write down my affirmations and carry them with me to read them during the day. The more I want change the more I affirm and meditate. Once you affirmed repeatedly change may happen in the band between 17 seconds as Abraham Hicks mentioned in one of her courses until three weeks (3 weeks=21 days) gradually.
Allow the Healing to take place
Be ready to take responsibility for change when it happens. The thing about change is, it sometimes doesn’t come with notification, it comes with a surprise or in disguise. You may even forget about it in a period of three weeks.
Strategy One: Self treatment with words
This strategy is similar to affirmations. For example let’s say you realize that you have a problem with “Low self-esteem”. Think about it many times a day, high self-esteem. High self-esteem, High self-esteem.
Delete & Destroy
Do not let a thought of “low self-esteem” enter your mind, but keep on picturing to yourself your self-esteem is high, very high, you look like a superhero, develop a picture, or a symbol. What we are doing here is we are canceling deleting and destroying the image sent you by your subconscious. It is there for a reason…to be healed and modified by a better version of it.

Stay Here, I’ll be back!
I use pictures or moving images inspired from movies. I once had a problem with weakness belief. I believed I was week. I built the picture of a powerful man who walks, takes the hits and nothing happens to him. My inspiration came from the movie the “Terminator – 2” when the Terminator said to John “Stay here, I’ll be back!” and then walked towards the entrance of the building taking all bullets from the S.W.A.T without murdering anyone, but shooting them on the knees.
Strategy Two: Expose Yourself To Healing Sounds
If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.
Nikola Tesla
The Miracle of 528 HZ & 432 HZ
Listen to music or sounds that carry these vibrations: 432 or 528 tone yourself to these sounds, let them play in the background. Meditate and visualize yourself as your subconscious has already healed. It has been proven that those frequencies repair the human DNA and trigger transformation.
Radio & Tv Frequencies
Many scientists started to believe that the sound produced by radio and Tv frequencies has many negative consequences. These tones carry distorted lower vibrational sounds that influence a person’s energy field.
It has been proven that both sounds 528 HZ and 432 HZ bring about love and healing energies on the cellular level (DNA). Check out the work of Leonard G Horowitz D.M.D. M.A. M.P.H.who is an expert and pioneer in natural healthcare, energy medicine, water and sound science.
Strategy Three: A Powerful Guided Visualization
Listen to the guided meditation and visualization video I attached below. This strategy is extremely powerful. You will experience the most effective imagery for achieving your desires. It’s about 45 minutes long and totally worth it. This guided visualization has an amazing technique named “The Wall”.
The Wall
Using the “Wall” strategy on a number of times, as long as you need, will help you break the unwanted patterns you have in your subconscious mind. The visualization is about bringing wealth into your life and it doesn’t matter if you use it to bring wealth or heal yourself or both. The designed suggestion will sink to your subconscious mind.
How many times should I listen to the audio?
For such practices I always suggest to empty an hour during your day. You can wake up an hour earlier, or you can do it before you sleep, just make sure to do it. I started by listening to the audio every day for one week, then three times the following three weeks. The more input, the more output.
Which strategy is most powerful?
Results may vary from person to person depending on many factors, how deep your issue is, how much effort and intention you put out there to heal yourself, and how much you allow things to unfold. You can use a combination of two strategies or even the three of them.
I hope this post was helpful and you enjoyed reading it. I look forward to hearing your comments & suggestions.
Love & Gratitude