Why am I so alone in this World?

Alone person sitting on an edge of a hill.

Do you feel that you are alone? Do you feel or even believe that you are separate from other people?

Well, you are not alone because I was there. I used to have this strange feeling of aloneness for a long time. I have always felt that I am different. and that others didn’t understand me even my Mom & Dad.

Well, I felt like that for a long time. I came to the point that I don’t have a connection to something greater than myself. I’ve come to believe that who I am is is what I do and what I have, and what other people think about me, and who I am is separate from everybody else. And who I am is separate, even from what I’d like to attract into my life that I’m separate from all the things that are missing and separate, even from God/Divine or whatever you want to call it and that there’s is a place within me that knows that I’m not separate from any of that.

I came to the conclusion that if there’s no place that God is not or that source is not or the energy that provides, that is always giving and always creating is not if there’s no place that it is not, then it has to be in ME.

There’s no place that it’s not and it has to be in me, it has to be also in everything that is missing in my life, or that, I think is missing. It’s there too. So there’s some mysterious, invisible way, I’m already connected to everything that’s missing in my life through something called spirit.

When you recognize that you are not here as this human being having a spiritual experience when you recognize that, your essence is that you are a spiritual, being having a human experience. Not the other way around when you really get that. I mean, not that you can say it and it’s clever. But when you know that who you are is this essence you don’t see there’s no other. There’s no them. There’s nothing outside of you, you’re connected to everyone and everything as the Native Americans said that no tree has branches so foolish as to fight among themselves.

I have this knowing in me that we as humans have this feeling of loneliness as it’s a call for us to remember to have some solitude and that this loneliness is quite the opposite of actuality and that we can tap to our potential by sending our gratitude, feelings and visions. This dark energy is there.

It is us before creation.

It is matter.

It is quiet.

This might seem to be boring when you think about it LOL. But this matter is an ocean of possibilities and we feed it with our thoughts and feelings. What if this lonely boring state is a gate to creation? What if it is a bliss?

Loneliness is a gate to creation

You can simply take advantage of this feeling by creating an atmosphere. Light a candle, dim the lights & play some lovely background music. Begin to take deep breaths. Focus on your chest, your stomach then your belly. Be ok with whatever you are feeling or experiencing. See the unwanted images playing in your mind then decide and choose to shift these ideas and images to something you want.

I remember when I came to this point of shifting my awareness I struggled with my mental images.

I didn’t certain have images. Then, decided to get some luxury magazines like Robbreport (my favorite :)) I cut some of the images I loved to have in my life and hung them on the wall.

As a matter of fact I used some blutic Faber castell to stick those pictures into the wall in case, I’m not happy with the pictures so I may swap them with better ones.

Some of these images were related to health, fashion, cars, foods and drinks, a loving family, rich people, beautiful sceneries and so forth. So, whenever It was time to dive deep battling these stinking thoughts that come with my loneliness, I opened my eyes a bit and peeked at those fancy images, then built them into my mental imagery. I glued them there my friend.

See images you want to have in your lonely moments.
When loneliness creeps in, it’s when you take a step back to insert images of the good that you really desire.

I now know that when the feeling of loneliness creeps into me that it’s a moment of remembering and bliss. I have amazing moments and nuances during these sessions as my higher self or divine creator begins to chat with me. Now, you gonna say how do you know whether it’s divine or something else and I’d say having a connection with the Divine is a knowing. It’s beyond what the physical brain comprehends. It’s intuition. This amazing, positive healing power dwells on you. It hugs you with its wings to tell you “Hey, don’t you worry. All shall be O.K”.

I urge you to think the other way around when you experience lonely moments. These moments are calls from the spirit world telling you it is time to charge yourself and connect with Divine powers. Connect to grow, to love and carry bless. Connect to self actualize.

I hope you enjoyed this post. I look forward to your comments, suggestions and of course questions. May the Divine speed to you.


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