What is the Covid 19 vaccine made from? Is it safe to be vaccinated?

Before I dive into what the vaccine of Covid-19 is made of, I’d like to state a couple of things.

I’m not a scientist and I do not have written proof of what is inside this vaccine as it’s impossible to find a comprehensive report about it. The information I’m sharing here came to me from an acquaintance who is an excellent researcher and has strong connections with agencies that fight against the deep states in some countries around the world. Besides that, using my common sense, and inspiration from my meditations and being in nature.

We can’t separate science from spirit

Keep an open mind, do not respond “Where is your scientific proof?” or “Our doctors know better!” with all my respect to doctors and their efforts to fight this virus. We as a planet have split science from spirituality. Split the seen from the unseen giving the advantage to enemies of humanity play their agenda of enslavement.

This vaccine like any other vaccine consists of nanotechnological particles.

So the nanotechnology they’re putting into these vaccines are very sophisticated. The sole purpose is to target the brain, amongst many other things they’re targeting. And the reason why they are targeting the brain is because the brain is connected to the Crown Chakra.

Each of the chakras in your multidimensional body is connected to a multidimensional body the root chakra is connected to the physical body, the sacral chakra is connected to your emotional body so the seven main chakras, in your body are actually connected to a multidimensional body, and the crown chakra is connected to the brain so what are they trying to do?

Complete Dominance of Humanity

Simply, block ascension!! This is what they’re targeting, they want to block people’s ascension. Too many people are waking up, and the more they can target the brain loaded with toxins with aluminum and a whole bunch of heavy metal and not to mention nanobots technology that can self replicate, they’re implementing the transhuman agenda so that way, you’re no longer as an organic human being, and you are being slowly changed into a cyborg.

They are also targeting the DNA that is responsible for empathy. Empathy is the emotion is the sense that allows you to feel connected to each other to the plant kingdom to the animal kingdom because essentially we’re all one and empathy allows you to have that connection by them, targeting that DNA that controls your empathy, your emotions, they’re making the unawakened population become a stoic robotic race that is devoid of emotions and when you are devoid of emotion, you feel separated from another person you feel disconnected from other beings so that way you can continue to act violent, you can continue to act aggressive, hostile because you feel you don’t feel their pain, whereas empathy allows you to feel the pain as one of your own.

Cut the links between the soul, spirit, and body means the continuation of planetary enslavement

This is a very important emotion for the human collective to have. A very important emotion for the human collective to have. And with the planet’s energy being bombarded right now with higher frequency, gamma-ray frequency. This empathy feeling is being magnetized, you should feel a lot more sympathetic, more empathetic, with the higher frequency that things touch you on a deeper level.

The energy of this planet has been shifting and especially after entering the new era of Aquarius after 21st 2020 change has to happen. As a matter of fact, it is a universal law but those dark energies which are in charge are working hard to diffuse the reactions of our physical, mental and emotional bodies by creating a problem, making us believe in it, put us into fear, deaths, and financial struggles so it is real then come up with a solution to keep enslaving humanity.

They do not want you and your energy bodies to become sensitive to these new energies and vibrations.

Allegory of the Cave by Plato.

Now, the good news is that in some parts of the world like for example in France, a vast majority of the population is rejecting vaccines, which is good. In France, actually, the police went out protesting against forced vaccination. This is great news that there are some parts in the world that are actually waking up to these biological weapons and it’s actually the frontline workers, which are the police officers that are waking up to this tyranny and they’re setting up against this type of force vaccination so I applaud the French for waking up.

My response to the ones who think that this is a conspiracy

When it comes to this vaccination topic with some of my 3d friends I’ve come to the realization that if I give them some knowledge about vaccines what I can do I pay attention to how they receive the information. If they receive the information well and they are contemplating it, and they ask more critical thinking questions. Then I know they are receptive, they have an open mind, they’re willing to dig into the subject, then I can share with them a little bit more information, but there are some 3d friends that I share this information, and if I get the response like, Oh, that’s not a problem, they can test on me that they can experiment on me. I just let these people do what they want to do, you know, you cannot violate these people’s free will, you got to let them do what they want.

They have already made up their mind that this is what they’re going to do and they are okay with being experimented on, let them have it. So that’s just a tip that if you test out your lower vibrational friends and your family you give them a little bit knowledge, see how they respond to it, if they’re open they ask questions, they don’t disregard you then you know, these are people that are a little bit more receptive and they’re willing to do their homework for the ones that are not, then, you know, I’d say intend for their healing and revelation about the matter.

I look forward to reading your comments!

Love & Gratitude

This video is an update to this post. It shares another dangerous substance inside the vaccine.

Hi, my name is Mohand Fadl and I am an educator with a keen interest in personal & spiritual help and development. This site was set up to help you in your journey of life and be a beacon hub for like-minded people. Please feel free to contact me if you have any comments, questions or suggestions.


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