What do we really mean by prosperity? There are many definitions to the word “Prosperity”
In my experience after reading a good number of books and surfing the web to give a definite answer, I noticed that the meaning of the word “prosperity” varies from person to person. There are certainly similar definitions but there are unique ones too.
Here’re some definitions I found on the web from forums, Facebook and Quora:
Janice Prosperity is a mix of stable finances, good health and personal fulfillment.
Steve being your own boss by doing what really matters to you.
Linda Prosperity is a mindset. It’s a way of living. You don’t have to have lots of money but instead you have peace of mind.
Mona Having more than enough to pay for your daily expenses and bills.
Jeff Having the time and money to do whatever you want.
Martha Being financially independent, physically healthy besides helping others to grow.
Louise Accepting what you have while walking down the road toward better and more satisfying living circumstances. Believing in life and living.
Jay Xin Having it all. Health, family, friends, excellent finances, and a cozy house with back and front gardens.
Bilal Being happy where you are whatever the circumstances are. Having more than enough and payback to your community and giving to higher causes.
Kaan Having a lot of money and funds so you won’t ever worry about cash especially when the going gets tough. Being debt-free with loads of money to pay in cash for everything and to have cash available for emergency situations.
Merve Living a rich life of love, laughter, Â freedom, good relations with all especially my parents, and definitely lots of money in my bank account.
Batista luxury, cars, jewels, lots of green stuff, happy children, and wife. Being able to work whenever I want and travel with my family and friends wherever and wherever I want when they want.
Prosperity & Our Understanding
We can understand from the definitions some keywords like having lots of money, enough savings, being with beloved ones, love, travel, cars, a bigger house. We can also see that everyone has a different perspective as the connotation of the word prosperity differ.
What’s Your Definition? (Do this)
Now it’s your turn on a piece of paper or your private agenda to write down your own understanding of prosperity. Take some time and think about what prosperity really means to you.
*****Do not Go further and please write down your definition of prosperity to get the maximum benefit from this post***** My aim is to make your definition clearer to you and that you shall move toward prosperity from your inner self.
Prosperity has many dimensions. When we feel happiness, joy, satisfaction, peace, and love in our relationships with partners and parents. When we have a good source of income that is sustainable and that source brings us joy and satisfaction then this can lead to a state of prosperity.
Having balance in these areas relationships, inner joy, money and a sustainable source that brings it all the time while loving the process.
So, keep in mind that if the things that we do to get us sustainable income, the way it makes feel, the way we feel with ourselves, we feel healthy, the way we feel when we are in relationship with others putting away our ego and its needs aside, the way we give and take in life with purpose and in a manner that talks to our core is then when we can say that is “Prosperity”
Your core self
I may have to write a different post related to our core self. I will simplify it here this way. When your riches spring from your inner authentic you, is then when you realize that you have something no one else can copy or steal. You will have that inner resilience and peace because you know who you are, why you are here and no matter what no one can change you because your inside foundation is solid.
How can I reach my core self?
Well, there is no one way to reach your truth, your core, your purpose. You might come to this world and circumstances will pave the path for you to see. You might experience something which shackles you, and out of a sudden you see your truth. You may go in circles and take a long long journey to reach the inside of you.
The Onion
I love the metaphor of the onion. I mentioned it in one of my posts when I talked about trying to understand other humans. And it’s true we are always on the look for the outside. We are so distracted by it. It sometimes takes a whole life just by looking at what’s going on outside. It’s an amazing distractor. No matter how young or old you are, the World will succeed to distract you.
It takes time or maybe a life time to come to a recognition to know who we are. Events are like thresholds, when we experience them fully, we move to another layer, then another one then another. Always remember to be open to what’s coming. Accept and go with it. Accepting and experiencing what is, is peeling off a layer. We should learn to grow up.
Money is an indispensable component of prosperity. The desperation and need for it won’t lead us to prosperity. Money is a game. It needs a new understanding and an upgrade in our mindset. Most of us work for money because we have to right? I don’t completely agree! Put your hands on your heart, take five deep breaths, then ask these simple questions
” How can I make money work for me?”
“How can I make money love me?”
“How do I must act and behave to open the doors for big stacks of money to come to me quickly?”
“What vibrational energy must I be to get triple even quadruple the amount I am making nowadays?”
“How can I bring in more from my core self?”
“How can my core self convert its value to money?”
And then say: “Please make this happen in ways that are for the highest good of me and of all concerned.”
I can go on and on but you get the point. You must ask great questions. Such questions will ignite the subconscious and things will be in motion.
How much money should I have to be prosperous?
In order to ensure sustainable income, there should be enough to help your financial aspirations in a way that you will have your integrity and not a huge amount that would distract or drags you away from your values, honor and code. Â
When you are joyous on the inside and accepting the world as it is, accepting your parents as they are, accepting your children, spouse, neighbors, and president as they are when your income is aligned with your purpose, when whatever you do allows you to have a healthy body and mind, we can say you have nailed prosperity.
I didn’t fully understand “Sustainability”!
It took me years to get the actual meaning of “Sustainability”. I was introduced to the term “sustainability” in one of the prosperity online classes I took in my early thirties. Although, I did all the activities. I still have them written on my agenda, but didn’t really get the idea. I believe everyone is different when it comes to understanding concepts in life. We definitely need to experience, make tons of mistakes then hopefully get the lesson. I got the lesson eight years later. I don’t regret what happened and I’m glad and thankful that I joined that course.
Sustainability “What does it mean?”
1 Having more positivity
When you make money from outside sources, you become anxious because that source may fade one day or something wrong might happen “Talking about Nowadays (20.05.2020 Corona Days let’s say :))” Sustainability happens when we match our income with what really motivates us and gives meaning to our lives. When you love what you do, you become more committed and attentive and make you stronger and confident when you encounter any setbacks.
2 Doing it for life
Can it be done for life with the same love and passion? If whatever you do, takes more than you get, then it isn’t worth it. If it takes from your health by spending more time focusing on it, if it takes you from potential relations that you need to concentrate on then it is not worth it.
3 Worthwhile Cause
Is what you are doing ethical & of value to others? Will it help others and serve the highest good? Does it serve the planet? Remember that wealth is obtained when what’s needed is provided without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The value of what you offer is long lasting but no shady work or short-term benefits.
Prosperity isn’t on the outside, quite the contrary it gets ignited from the inside when you intend to discover it. When you intend to question it by asking the right questions /Revisit the questions above). It’s more like how you discover your true self and its values. Discovering what really matters to you only at first, then from there you move to the outside to share, serve, and celebrate your legacy.
Rewrite your definition
Consider the previous points I mentioned about your journey to prosperity. Find a way to reach your core self by asking powerful questions, keep asking and asking, release the giant within. Accept life and whatever it delivers to you and since you asked, the process will be fastened.
Think about the earnings that will come out of your core and connect it to your values, cause and principles. Does what you do bring you love, time, health? Is it ethical? Does it serve the planet and generations to come?
Allow the process to take place and be ready for corrections and tweaks here and there. It’s your journey. Be easy on yourself and have fun.
I hope you enjoyed reading this post my friend. Make sure to write the meaning of prosperity to you twice and see the difference in between