The Vaccine& Human Soul – Did The Forces Of Light Fail?

Everything we hoped and prayed for should be discharged and gone through the window and that despair shall dawn on us. Guess what, that’s the way it has to play….Light will come soon…It’s a process…It’s a dynamic…

When darkness completely dominates and has control over everything is when the light will come to play and begin to spark. Keep the faith and hope…Keep praying and meditating.

We must pray for the collective by seeing the healing light covers our planet Terra, seeing it healing the consciouness of the masses cleaning their wounds and suffering, cleaning their misconceptions by shifting their focus and reality. Pray from the depth of your being to this planet and its people to recover from the tyrrannies that have been occuring throughout the ages.

The Vaccine

Forces of the dark plotted this pandemic, inputting fear into you by imprisoning you mentally and emotionally. They assured that some of you will lose their jobs and aspirations. They put scarcity in you then used almost all media platforms to brainwash you to be vaccinated.

It is your choice to be vaccinated. I do not consent to be vaccinated although I’m an academic and forced unwillingly to be vaccinated…I’m aware and do not consent but my higher self and the beings behind me will eradicate the nano technologies inside this liquid.

If you are forced to be vaccinated, then do it but request eradication from the Galactic Federation of worlds. Request neutralization from your guides.

These dark forces are recruitng people to be enslaved in the third dimension because ascension is happening. Pray for yourself to be healed and protected. Pray…Pray…Pray!

The Divine is at work

When the dark forces created this virus, it was confirmed by them that it was lethal and going to annihilate many humans however, the Divine creator and the GFW (Galactic Federation of Worlds) did not allow it. The GFW and their alliances intervened and dissolved this molecule.

5G Eradication

5G was supposed to lower humans’ vibrations by sending harmful waves to make you sick and activate what is sent through air and ether (the Virus). Haven’t you noticed that hundreds of boxes were placed everywhere on planet Earth recently? Those towers weren’t there before! Their places were planned but the installation happened during the months of March, April, May & June 2020.

The GFW has actually reversed engineered whatever was put inside these towers and whatever signals came to them. What was put was to make us more sick!

Simply we are the forces of the light and we are fighting back!

Watch and notice whenever the collective feels better and raises its frequencies, the forces of the dark do something to lower it down and make us feel that the World is a terrible place.

The only way to drop your frequency is by feeding you with doubt, despair, fear and resentment.

The flipside of the virus

The universe has interesting dynamics for Earth. If bad is created, there has to be a good in it and the opposite is true. The Coronavirus is a wake up call for sleeping souls. It is the sign to wake you up. It’s here to make you aware of what’s happening on this planet. Earth is planet zero and has free will meaning that dark and light are together representing duality.

Planet Earth has been vibrating higher and higher day by day. It’s committed to transform and so are you.

Ask to remember who you are, request help from your higher self and from the Galactic Federation of the Worlds to put an end to enslavement and tyranny. Be in nature and breathe deeply, breathe from your diaphragm and essence shall be by your side.

Henry Fadl the Edification Coach
Henry Fadl the Edification Coach
Hi, my name is Mohand Henry Fadl and I am an educator with a keen interest in personal & spiritual help and development. This site was set up to help you in your journey of life and be a beacon hub for likeminded people. Please feel free to contact me if you have any comments, questions or suggestions.


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