In this post, I’ll talk about raising consciousness after awakening. One of the cornerstones to keep your consciousness in a higher state is focusing on one’s relationships is a spiritual practice would immediately increase the levels of awakening.

You must stay with the “what is” without effort for more than forty- nine minutes every day. And to be honest I don’t remember why 49 minutes. The number has a scientific approach to awakening and consciousness.

Awakening cannot be attained through personal efforts. It can only be attained by Grace. Allowing Grace to flow into you fastens the process of awakening.  Grace is attained by applying continual spiritual practices such as deep meditation states, chakra meditation, Ananda Mandala meditation. I must say that having a group of likeminded people who you meet with to meditate and contemplate is important. In 2013, I was told that coming to Oneness University and joining the deepening process grants me awakening as they apply loads of Sadhanas (spiritual practices) that makes the process of awakening and raising consciousness fast and smooth. High levels of awakening are named Mukhti.

But it doesn’t end there. Next, we need to move towards transformation. We need to transform completely. For that to happen, there must be intense awareness. Those who attained Mukhti can be intensely aware. Thereafter, you must live the teachings. There are many teachings, which I will share in this post. Teachings for the awakened ones and for the unawakened.

Live & Experience the Teachings

So after Awakening, you must live the teachings. You must apply them in your day-to-day life. When you do that, a big change will occur. That is transformation.

If the transformation occurs, we can attain higher levels. So, ascending from the awakened level and keeping it rising is your responsibility.

Once you are awakened you must make use of it for your own growth. You must move into transformation. Like, if you see some people, they may be awakened, but there would be no transformation. Because they are not applying the teachings. So, the teachings must be applied in your life. You must live the teachings! When you do that, a transformation occurs and once the transformation occurs you can quickly reach levels so or 60.  I have no idea about the levels as I wasn’t really concerned about knowing them but as far as I remember each 5 to 10 there is a specific change in the way of thinking. Level 60 is kind of complete bliss as you talk and walk with your Divine.

How do we increase our levels of consciousness?

You must contemplate on the weekly webcast teachings. These teachings are very special. If you think they are just like other teachings you have missed the point. Oneness teachings are very very unique. For example, in Christianity, the teaching is “Love others” In Oneness, there is only one teaching – that is “Love yourself”. You have got to love yourself. If you love yourself, you love everybody isn’t it. As another example, if you have a lot of jealousy, most teachings would say “Be free of jealousy” Oneness says: “Jealousy? Good! Welcome!” Stay with the truth.

Once you begin internalizing the teachings, the deepening of the consciousness evolves naturally into the highest state of awareness.

Once you become Awakened you go throughout your life. It’s a process that keeps deepening and deepening and deepening. All that you can do to fasten the process is to help others awaken. It is one of the reasons I built this website. If you help awakening others, your process deepens.

Some of Sri Bhagavan’s Teachings:

Most important is to be in touch with yourself. If you are a fool, the intelligence is to start there. That is to say ‘I am a fool’. Do this, see, and you will strangely find you will become intelligent.

If you are not efficient, instead of imagining you are efficient, stay with the fact that you are inefficient. The brain strangely takes you to another mode where it will make you intelligent.

“Your life, is but a note, in the Song of the Cosmic life”.

The way you relate to yourself internally is exactly the way you relate to others.

The dawn of a new civilization, which we might call an Age of Oneness, is the single most explosive fact of our lifetimes. We have a destiny to create – a state of consciousness, that is, Oneness with All That Is.

If you are authentic, you will be growing spiritually. And if you grow spiritually there is a natural happiness. You actually be happy, not the kind of happiness you are talking about. There is a different kind of happiness, which is the only thing to be called happiness. When that is there you would strangely discover that other problems are disappearing, like financial problems would disappear, health problems would disappear, relationship problems would disappear, obstacles on your path would disappear. Everything will start changing because you have this happiness. You have this happiness because you are spiritual. You are spiritual because you are authentic. That is all.

“Relationship with parents is the most important thing for success and well-being.”

Spirituality is all about the heart. It has got nothing to do with religiosity.

“You do not come alone, you do not live alone and you do not die alone. You come down as group souls over lifetimes- to learn your lessons and fulfill your desires.”

It’s not wrong to have dreams; in fact, to achieve anything in this world, you must have dreams.

The unconscious mind is two million times more powerful than the conscious mind, and most of the time it is the unconscious which is working. But the conscious mind thinks it is doing things itself. The unawakened man takes credit for all that the unconscious mind does. The Awakened person is fully aware that the unconscious is functioning most of the time.

“Life, no matter how it was lived; is a spiritual experience – when viewed from eternity”

Thoughts are subtle, divisive and elusive, and an expression of the self. They wander as they like. They create judgment and a troubled and disturbed mind. They prevent Awareness from happening. The unawakened must learn to direct, to control and to quieten thoughts by ruling over them. The Awakened One has moved beyond judgment, for he has gone beyond thought; as he is always ‘Aware.’

The Awakened One achieves nothing, for there is nothing to be achieved. The Awakened One understands nothing, for there is nothing to be understood. The Awakened One knows nothing, for there is nothing to be known.

The Awakened One neither suppresses nor ignores, neither resists nor justifies what is there, inside or outside; but merely is aware of the what is.

The Awakened One does not perceive anything as good or bad or as right or wrong, and hence has no preferences, and therefore does not try to change the way things are.

I hope you loved this post. I’ll devote a complete post for the teachings of Sri Bhagavan. Feel free to comment and contact me if you have any questions. May love speed to you!



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