We see love through the filters of our thoughts and beliefs. Such ideologies about love hold us from experiencing love fully. Our filters are filled with dust and dirt which we accumulated through the medium of society, the news, music, films, and so forth.
Our Ego Alienates differences
Our ego has an interesting mechanism. It wants love but it also wants to be right. The ego feels good and better than others by judging and discriminating. The pleasure the ego gets from being right cannot be compared with the one we get from pure love. The ego also chooses safety over love. It chooses the easiest path besides being right.
The ego’s nature is based on judgment. It judges people because they are different. The ego ignores the fact that life is filled with divergence. Differences are channels for the ego to express itself as better than others.
Have you noticed how good we feel when we are sure we are right?

The ego doesn’t have to be right to feel above all; it considers itself to be correct to feel good. For this reason the ego plays the role of knowing, it turns the table and twists things to make us feel correct.

The Trap
The ego entraps us as it tells us that others should be like us even if they have different values, which opens the gate for an erroneous self. We feel that if we are different is a bad thing without noticing the conditioning game of our ego for people around it to be the same and not different. This understanding pushes many people to make others like themselves and if no one agrees with them, then the ego considers itself superior.
In some cases, the ego agrees with the differences in its choice, likable, and acceptable ones. Unlike our ego, our essence accepts differences and surely doesn’t rate diversity as likable or not. Essence sees beyond experience.

Essence and how it functions
Essence accepts and praises difference as it expands one’s experience. Difference isn’t hindrance but an opportunity for growth. Think about it when a person only accepts the ones alike then their experience tends to be in circles having almost the same thing over and over again. This way people of the same beliefs can stick together without having to question each other about their ideologies. The ego feels threatened when challenged by opposing beliefs.
Learning to Love
When we come to this planet, we come with necessary implants to the matrix to survive and thus learn how to live. The programs override the essence of who we really are as we open our eyes and direct our attention to the outside. Thus, we make many mistakes to discover love through the experience of being in the wrong place with the wrong people. Through experience and acceptance of life and what it brings to us, we discover love if we manage to deal with our ego.

Life Goes on
Life will carry on unraveling whether we like it or not. Going against life is like going against the stream. Most of us have the tendency to do this; otherwise, we would not acquire wisdom. This is hard to grasp and swallow however when we welcome challenges is when life opens up its doors widely to overflow with unexpected possibilities.
Let’s be willing to accept diversities and differences as this can potentially raise the consciousness of the collective to transcend the illusion of duality into oneness. Let us all remember that oneness loves twoness.
I hope you enjoyed reading this post. May life unfolds with all the good that you desire in a way that uplift the collective of this planet.
Love & Gratitude