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How To Tap Into Your Inner Potential?πŸ•―πŸ‘ŒπŸ•‰


Through all the ages man has believed in an invisible power, through which and by which all things have been created and are continually being re-created.

We may personalize this power and call it God, or we may think of it as the essence or spirit, which permeates all things, but in either case, the effect is the same.

So far as the individual is concerned, the objective, the physical, the visible, is the personal, that which can be cognized by the senses. It consists of the body, brain, and nerves. The subjective is the spiritual, the invisible, the impersonal.

The personal is conscious because it is a personal entity. The impersonal, being the same in kind and quality as all other Being, is not conscious of itself and has therefore been termed the subconscious.

The personal, or conscious, has the power of will and choice, and can, therefore, exercise discrimination in the selection of methods whereby to bring about the solution of difficulties. The impersonal, or spiritual, being a part of one with the source, and origin of all power, can necessarily exercise no such choice, but, on the contrary, it has Infinite resources at its command.

It can and does bring about results by methods concerning which the human or individual mind can have no possible conception.

You will, therefore, see that it is your privilege to depend upon the human will with all its limitations and misconceptions, or you may utilize the potentialities of Infinity by making use of the subconscious mind.

Here, then, is the scientific explanation of the wonderful power which has been put within your control, if you but understand, appreciate and recognize it.

Hi, my name is Mohand Fadl and I am an educator with a keen interest in personal & spiritual help and development. This site was set up to help you in your journey of life and be a beacon hub for like-minded people. Please feel free to contact me if you have any comments, questions or suggestions.


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