Pay close attention to your thoughts If you want to manifest anything because simply thoughts become things. When you keep your focus on the thing you want to manifest several times throughout your day by reading, writing, or visualizing it, feeling that it has already happened a big possibility that things you held for a certain period will manifest.
Manifestation happens in different ways, you might receive an inspiring idea to do a certain thing. Your thoughts will attract similar thoughts, people and circumstances.
What is it like when you already achieved your desire?
For example, if you want to manifest a good-paying job, you should at least have thoughts about how that good job will be like,
- What kind of things will you be doing?
- How do you feel when you are doing it?
- What is yourself image when you are there?
- How do you look? Are you chic? What type of clothes? What color? Put on your favorite type of clothes
- How do you commute there? Do you have a smile on your face?
- What number do you see on you account on your pay day? Are smiling? Are you thankful?
- Are there happy tears that you made it and finally you are what want?

Back in 2007, I remember doing some of my visualizations during my morning showers, I used to see myself as the best English teacher and that I was paid a decent salary. I saw myself sitting on a table with important people to make important decisions.
I landed a dream job
Interestingly enough I was hired as a department coordinator in 2011. I didn’t land that position only with my shower visualizations but I invested in a 13 weeks manifestation course and did daily work. So, I put a lot of mental and energy work to get that position. Now, when I ask myself was what I did worth it? Absolutely yes.
I was in a place in my life that I desperately needed change. The change in my career happened. Was my life perfect? Certainly not. I had issues in my relationship with my wife, her family, and my family and I disliked my job at the time. Change and manifestation happen step by step and I believe that your energy field and your mind-set make the difference.
What you should know about your thoughts
Thoughts of anything you want to manifest have a specific frequency. When you tune yourself to the frequency of your target goal, you are one-step ahead to manifesting that thing into reality.
Exercise: Close your eyes and see behind your eyes a cup of coffee. As you do that, hold that thought’s image in your mind for a while. Notice that the longer you hold that picture, it starts to be clearer and clearer. Color, smell, shape, size, etc.
These thoughts you create about what you want are energy and attract matching energy to them. Everything you see around you is made up of the same thing “energy”. Energy is made of subatomic particles which is the same make up of everything meaning that the subatomic particles of your shirt, your pen and care are the same subatomic particles in you.
Trust and Believe in everything you do!
Trust and belief are powerful. If you think what you are reading now is unlikely true or that this stuff doesn’t work, then it’s probably true, you confirm it and that will be the energy in your field. We are belief-based creatures. If you try what I suggest to you in this post and let’s say you believe that there is 30% possibility of what you want to manifest, then you will have 30% manifestation.
You must trust in these processes and instruct yourself to think about the possibility of having what you want. I highly recommend you begin with something small anything like sunglasses, a cup of hot chocolate. In my case, I started with a glass of lemonade.

How I attracted a glass of lemonade
This happened back in 2006 when I first watched the secret and was blown away by the intense information. I applied what Bob Doyle recommended as a start by attracting something small. I thought to myself what I would like to attract, then I thought of a glass of lemonade. I began to think and imagine drinking lemonade, tasting it. I kept the lemonade in my mind for three days and nothing happened.
Wait for it…
On the fifth or sixth day I remember my wife telling me to bring some bagels. I asked her which place should I go to grab what she wanted, it didn’t matter to her. Anyways, I thought to go to our regular bakery. On my way there, I was going to cross the street and carry on walking then out of a sudden I turned my head to the left and saw a bakery on my left as if something told me to look to the left.
Now, that bakery has been always there but for some reason, we did not buy stuff from it. I decided to go there, I asked for bagels, the baker told me to wait as fresh ones are coming out. While I was waiting there, he offered me a glass of lemonade! Tada! Amazing isn’t it? I told myself. I thanked him with a big smile on my face. This experiment was a sort of proof to me about the power of our intention and thoughts.

Mystery of Attraction
I had failures as well as attracting a specific car, a flat, and online business. However, let me tell you my understanding of attraction. One understanding is that things in life happen and manifest for some people than others for mysterious reasons, reasons that we do not know!
In my experience, I came to the recognition that there is a divine plan or timing per se for things to manifest to serve the ultimate life experience of a person and for all as well. For this reason, I learnt to use this phrase “Make this happen in a way that is for the highest good of me and of all concerned.”
Clarity is Key
Another understanding is that the energy you built for the thing you want is confused or unclear. Let me give an example from my life. In 2009, my friend Jim wanted a specific car, had an amount of money in the bank, and so forth and talked to me about his intention. One day, Jim and his wife called wanting me to go with them to the car’s gallery to purchase that car.
We went saw and liked the car, they bought that car and were very happy. I was happy for them and I had visualized unrealistic (maybe) a different car at the time, but when this happened, I decided to visualize Jim’s car because I liked it.
Stop Monkey Jumping Your Desires
The point is I wasn’t clear, I did monkey jumping and this confused what I wanted, plus I didn’t have specific information about the car I wanted: patrol/diesel – two or four doors/hatchback or whatever I just wanted a BMW at first then liked what my friend got then began to visualize his car. There is another important point about manifesting a car in my experience.
My wife wanted a flat and I wanted a car that also created confusion. Al the efforts I put on the visualizations went for nothing. Do not make this mistake, be crystal clear about what you really want, is what you want a priority? Is it important to have it? On a scale of one to ten how important it is. Answering such questions will make your intentions clearer.
Exercise: What would you like to manifest?_______________________________
Why would you like to manifest? Write at least 50 reasons. (Answer this if you are serious!)
A test to show if you really want to manifest something!
This activity is perfect why? Because it will break the hidden barriers in yourself to give meaningful reasons to different layers within yourself why you want that thing to manifest. Let me also give you a hint, if you don’t have 50 reasons why you want to have that thing, then really forget it. This exercise itself shows how clear, willing and bad you that thing to come to your life or else you will be wanting like the billions of people on this planet.
I will share with you some procedures to manifest what you want to be done on a daily basis for not less than two months (60 days).
#1 Do the above exercise. Give 50 reasons why you want your thing to manifest.
#2 a Write your target manifestation as an affirmation on a piece of paper in the present tense, for example: ”I live in a spacious flat with rooms, a big living room with two balconies.”
b Write the statement in the morning, afternoon and evening
#3 Read and iterate your statement in the morning, afternoon, and evening. In my case, I iterated one statement between 125 to 200 times.
#4 Visualize your affirmation /statement in the morning, afternoon and evening.
#5 Pray and thank the Divine for whatever you have now and then pray and thank for whatever you want to have as if you already have it.

You can be sure during the 60 days that you have sown the seeds and it is time to expect miracles. Moreover, since you did your part, the universe will start to rearrange itself so events will take place.
Some of these events may be blessings in disguise thus allow life to flow, do no resist, blame, or judge just be observant. You never know how things should take place to bring you your manifestation.
I hope you enjoyed reading this post. I look forward to hearing your comments, suggestions and questions.
Love & Gratitude