In this chapter, I will talk about the power of purposeful prayer. Powerful prayers will absolutely help you deal with and overcome any problems in your life on your own! Alright! Are you going to leave this post because I said a prayer? Sure, be my guest and I really understand. I know I sound presumptuous and kind of preachy. The word prayer is like the word GOD, Mohammed, or Jesus when you use them, you may want to be careful as my understanding of the word varies from yours and my mom. Let me touch a bit on religion.
My story with Religion
I left religion a long time ago during my early twenties as It didn’t serve my life but it also scared me from living it fully. For that reason, during my depression and instability years, anyone came to me with a solution using religion or religious words I refused and totally blocked him or her. I even terminated some people in my circle because of their religious practices.
I began searching for the truth and only the truth so help me GOD 🙂 I realized that the word GOD as OSHO said in one of his lessons is an overused word that made people run away from GOD. Then, GOD became dead, he lost his mystery! Funny but true.
Seeking the TRUTH
In 2005, I started searching for the truth, spending on many self help online from my teaching job on courses from productivity, success, mindfulness and meditation to marketing. I have met with many teachers down the road and talked to ones privately.
I have been to India and became one of the followers of an amazing teacher and had the chance to ask him directly and got blown away by his simple answers.
I noticed that those teachers are normal people like me and you however, on the inside they were happy, even do not understand worry and that they had this light in their eyes, that charisma, that resilience, that mental toughness, that confidence.
What they have in common is that they have empowering daily routines that they do not miss. They meditate, they breathe deeply, they rarely react, and they state their wishes in words in paper, or affirmations but also say them out loud like a prayer or mantra!

A new understanding to religion
I said to myself isn’t that religious? Yes and No. The prayers and mantras I heard were a kind of a cocktail of let’s say prayers from the book of John or the Holy Quran with their intention said aloud. I began to understand that religion is like kindergarten or primary school but then you need to evolve some of its practices by yourself to serve your highest good. Religion evolves to spirituality and every person is meant to create their own religion and their own form of spirituality.
Your Spirituality = Religion * Upgrade (21st Century’s Your Own helping Beliefs)
It’s Time To Turn Back To Your Essence
Isn’t it the best time to take a leap moving forward leaving such terms like prayer or religion to stop you from what life has to offer? Isn’t the best time to invite calmness and stillness into your life? It is the best time to turn back to your essence.
I believe that when you purposefully design and cite prayers, you will be able to deal with problems in your life on your own. You will experience stable progress toward your life’s meant to be aspirations. Prayers will pave the way to a peaceful better life. They will bring peace and harmony to the chaos and drama around you.
The World of Fear
The world we live in is filled with fear. You receive fear, hate & discouraging messages every day. We are judging, hating, and discriminating ourselves, people on the outside, and our beloved ones. The more you allow such messages into your energy field, the more chaos and disharmony become evident.
Train Your Brain
On the contrary, you can decide to focus on building your relationship with the higher supreme by putting in some time to nurture and grow it. This idea of sitting alone with yourself is a notion our brain doesn’t support as it makes you feel bored, and your brain is accustomed to watching TV and rushing to school or work every day. You need to train your brain to pause and reset. Training yourself to sit still it is called assiduity.
Why Am I telling you to sit still?
Learn to treat your life and aspirations with respect. It is like you want to foreplay with whatever you want to bring about and see in your life. It is the sole purpose of healing to deal with problems in your life on your own. You are sending signals to your mighty subconscious mind to get its attention; you are laying the ground to bliss to come over.
You sit down, maybe light a candle in a certain place in your cozy home, you are quiet, you are in touch and grounded with yourself. Then, you begin to state clearly and loudly what and why you are doing. You are inviting the alpha and theta vibrations to come into place. Beta vibration is when you are fully awake, you walk, you talk, eat, and so forth. These vibrations (Beta) are fast and easily manipulated.

You are Enough!
Creation vibrations are dense, thick and slow (Alpha – Theta). If you want to achieve anything, and I mean it, you must tap into these states. Isn’t this amazing? You have everything you need in you my friend. You are enough!
How do you think or expect the Universe or the Divine will be on your side?
When you regularly tap into and communicate to it, the Divine will certainly show up! The universe will be on your side. The universe will conspire all creation for you. Why? Because you are IT!
Find the light within
When you live life without Divine grace and love, your connection weakens and parasitism takes place making layers over layers covering your connections with dirt. This makes you forget about the existence of such power. It’s taken from you as you naively allowed it. Thus, it is your job to find it.
“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all of the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”
For me, it was a great adventure when I traveled around the planet seeking clues to ignite that flame inside me. The world is the world, do not change it, or feel bad to be in it. Be in the World but not of it. The world will keep bombarding you with dirt and putting your light out. And you will keep cleaning that standing strong like a palm tree. The world is the way it is, do not fight it.
My journey goes on and so is yours. Search for the giant within as Tony Robbins says. Claim your power and begin to clean the dirt that latched on it for long time.
The Activation
You are now one with your Divine, you can reach it and activation has happened. So, what is next?
Ok, it is time to pray for and with it. You accept that you are one together. You are one with the supreme. You have got the power and it is time to give and take. It is time for shopping. It is time to pray the right way. You are not in a hurry. You designed this time to converse with it. It’s your buddy, your friend, your love.

The Secret prayer
I will share with you a secret prayer that will help you in your life and finding your path making you sure about what to do, where to go and who to be with! Are you ready my friend?
Ask your higher self, your GOD, your Divine, your Krishna, your Allah to help you recover from the ideas, beliefs, and thoughts that are making you feel in a certain way. That’s it! It is simple and very precise & My Oh My, the ramifications are brilliant.
The ramifications will absolutely depend on the power of your connectivity with your higher self. Think about it: When you have good WIFI connection and you are wanting to download a certain file, the download will happen faster!
Are there Miracles?
I asked one of the sages about this connectivity thing telling him I didn’t have strong connectivity with the Divine, can I still have my thing happen? He looked at me straight in the eyes saying with a funny smirk saying “You lazy bastard!” miracles happen in some conditions one of them is when the Divine itself chooses or decides to grant the thing to you. If it says ok this guy is dirty as hell and has a small beacon of light but I decide to grant him so it does, miracles happen.
Let’s get back to the Secret Prayer. The process!
On a piece of paper write down a statement to your Divine for example “Heal and clean money fear thoughts.” I mention fear as it is rooted deep inside all of us. Fear of losing beloved ones, job, parent, friend you name it. After you settle down, you are in peace, you are in silence and deep mental state (Alpha-Theta) have the paper open in front of you, close your eyes, and I want you to connect by stating to yourself “I now allow myself to connect to the Divine to be present. I call and welcome you here, be present, I invite you to dwell into my heart, my being, and my all.” You will feel the presence.
If you do not, then no worries carry on, do yourself a favour, and do not think you are not connected. Do not talk yourself out of it.
Your intention is enough. Your intention is powerful. Begin to converse that the purpose of the prayer is to help you cleanse the fear thoughts that you have related to money.
- Have your issue written on a piece of paper for example (Clean & heal my fear thoughts related to money)
- Be still in theta or alpha vibration
- Call the Divine to come to presence
- Tell it firmly to help you heal the fear thought related to any certain issue in your life
Difference between the normal prayer and this one!
We normally pray to God to help us get money, or pay the bills right? This prayer will work however, it has short term effects as our fear will succeed to creep in and create worry. When you ask the Divine to heal your fear thoughts related to any matter, this means that you are asking for your own sake change and transformation instead of change on the outside.

Make a list
Yes. Make a list of the things that create fear thoughts. Let me give you an example “Jealousy”! A person may be jealous if he is afraid that he will lose and his peer will have a better chance in life which translates to fear of not having enough or fear of there is not enough good in the world.
Here are some negative attributes of humans:
List them and begin to pray on them, and you will have amazing experiences. You will simply empty your junk and feel relieved. Flow will be evident and transformation will be inevitable.
Promise Yourself
I’d like to close this post by words from “The original Optimist Creed” by Christian D. Larson
To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.
To talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet.
To make all your friends feel that there is something worthwhile in them.
To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true.
To think only of the best, to work only for the best, and to expect only the best.
To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own.
To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future.
To wear a cheerful expression at all times and give a smile to every living creature you meet.
To give so much time to improving yourself that you have no time to criticize others.
To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.
To think well of yourself and to proclaim this fact to the world, not in loud word, but in great deeds.
To live in the faith that the whole world is on your side, so long as you are true to the best that is in you.
I hope you enjoy reading this post fully. You are enough to deal with problems in your life on your own. I look forward to hearing your comments & suggestions.
Love & Gratitude 🙂
Check out: “How to deal with problems in your life on your own?” Chapter One here…
Check out: “How to deal with problems in your life on your own?” Chapter Two here…