As many of my readers suggested and asked for more related posts to this topic. I am making a series of chapters related to it as an answer to your recommendations but also to thank you very much. So, let us begin to talk about how to deal with problems in your life on your own!
In this chapter, I will talk about the brain in a scientific approach and connect it to a spiritual understanding.
“Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind.”
– Albert Einstein
I also want to tell that I am not religious but came from a religious background. I studied Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Mormonism, and a bit of the Kabbalah. I adore diversity, as, without it, expansion of the all won’t occur. Everything in creation is about expansion. Expansion can go anywhere, forward, backward, or exponential.
Our languages translate going backward as depression, failure, or discontent. I’m mentioning such points to pull you out of your present mental frame and hopefully deliver to you some invaluable information. As you see here language lacks the understanding of universal laws.
I’d like to add a quote that touched my soul when I heard it the first time:
“There is a lie that acts like a virus within the mind of humanity. And that lie is, There’s not enough good to go around. There’s lack and there’s limitation and there’s just not enough. The truth is that there’s more than enough good to go around. There is more than enough creative ideas. There is more than enough power. There is more than enough love. There’s more than enough joy. All of this begins to come through a mind that is aware of its own infinite nature. There is enough for everyone. If you believe it, if you can see it, if you act from it, it will show up for you. That’s the truth.
—Michael Bernard Beckwith
From the Secret Movie & Book
Let’s Take Look at Your Brain
Your brain is a bending matter and energy around you all the time. This happens whether you are aware of it or not. Most of us are not aware of these unseen movements and that is the main issue as humans we tend to not to believe after a while when we believe in a process or tool, such as reading this blog post now it sounds fantastic right? But a while later we turn back into our old mood and thus take ourselves from creating a brand new possible reality.
We see little or even none progress towards the becoming, we forget as it is a process, then we neglect the whole thing. Things don’t work like this when you want to change your current circumstances.
If you want to deal with problems in your life on your own in a conscientious way, you need to take a look at what you are focusing on in your daily life. Did you know that whatever you think about most times is gathered as energy in the frontal lobe of your head? Your frontal lobe in your brain, where your third eye resides getting commands from the brain, which transmits thoughts from your energy field.
Your Energy Field can be as cloud Technology!
Think about your energy field as cloud technology. It is like your Dropbox, whatever you watch, hear, think even eat is transferred to the cloud, then from the cloud back to the brain through the reptilian brain then to the third eye projecting a reality.
Think of your head like a projector that is connected through cables or wirelessly it doesn’t matter, whatever it is connected to, it shall project. Thoughts must go through your reptilian brain as it is our primal brain which its job is to protect us and ensure our survival.
This part (the reptilian brain) is rigid and compulsive! Then, signals or data are sent to the limbic system which is the second station/layer to the reptilian brain, and there where your emotions are translated.
The Reptilian Brain is in charge of survival mode
If the signal to the reptilian brain is fear, then this part becomes tense sending signals to the limbic system to feel fear through all senses, the signal keeps going to the next station which is the neocortex.
This system (neocortex) is where your sensory perception, thinking, movement, and the ability to understand things. You understand and believe it is fear. Now let me ask you a question! What if you could do some work daily on rewiring your brain by taking whatever unpleasant situation, then focusing on what you want to see as whatever going on now is your present situation?

See Yourself in the Good that You Desire
Now since you are struggling with something whatever that matter is, there are many techniques/tools to use to transform the current reality, and let me be clear here, change happens but happens through a buffer of time as our reality in this dense 3D dimension dictates. Change happens depending on many factors, I’ll mention one in this blog post, and the rest of the factors will be divided into other posts holding this topic. These elements will definitely make a tremendous difference especially when you are dealing with problems in your life:
Allow the current situation to happen. Allowing means certain dynamics will come into play, as you think, talk, and take some actions. But why? Because this time you allow the flow, which means you are not resisting, which means allowing grace. But how come grace will help me overcome my problems like financial limitations, depression, suicidal thoughts, heartbreak whatever that negative case is?
Let me explain this. This is a BIG lesson I struggled to swallow at first and you will understand why in a sec. We humans believe that we have the power to pick the good or bad to come into our life.
This is the problem. My spiritual teacher calls it arrogance. Oh, this is my life and I will only choose the good to come to me, and what about the bad? Well, no no no way in the World I will accept the bad. This is our dialogue on the inside. We tend to resist. The lesson is (Are you ready?) There is no good or bad, there is only one flow of acceptance! Look at the trees, animals, soil, microbes…
They allow the flow, the flow means the Sun, the clouds, the rain, deforestation & the hurricanes. They accept them as they don’t have an advanced mind like us but through the law of acceptance.
Look at an Oak tree how magnificent it is within a buffer of time it reaches its own potential. I’m not saying follow the rules, keep your head down, play it safe or compromise! I’m talking about acceptance which comes from a deep perspective. There is no reaction or resistance. It is a consciousness and deliberate attitude supported by a universal law.
Accepting What is Consciousness!
It is a matter of acceptance which means accepting everything or resistance which means blocking grace. This is a law of the universe. It is the game which play on ourselves: “Oh, I have a choice to let the good or bad in.” This is an utter illusion and falsehood.
Everything is grace anyways, and there is no “Self” to make that choice. I want you to look at things in life a little bit differently. When you take this knowledge into your heart, You affirm that you accept grace which means Divine flow as You ARE one with it, then things begin to shift in your current reality through a buffer of time, the more you allow, the more buffering progress, then things transform.
You get a feeling of resilience and acceptance as you don’t fight anymore. You don’t fight with your mom, husband, wife, children, brother, sister, your president, your mayor, your neighbors. This feeling is the field of the Divine, the universe, the Earth, or whatever you want to call it. It is a presence.
This field is the same field which inside of you. It is inside everyone and the only difference between you and the opposite person who doesn’t allow it is called duality. Duality is our reality and it is tough to keep yourself not influenced by it as our will is easily swayed by conditions around.
Surround Yourself With REMINDERS!
Your job is to put reminders around you to keep you get back to the field and also enjoy the process as it is funny. It is like a comedy. We are easily distracted, my friend. Food, human love, games, fears, music & sex. I’m in my grace field right now as I’m writing this post after 30 minutes of guided meditation and visualization. To keep myself in this flow, I have to be aware of things going around me BUT without fighting or reacting. I have other tools to remind me. I’ll talk about them in a different post.
Here’s myself dialog when my neighbour gets on my nerves LOL!
”Oh, here I am out of my grace because of my neighbor! *$%# Hmm, what should I say? Umm, interesting! I feel bad because his behavior was not acceptable! Hmm, true! But, if you quarrel with him, does that gonna change him? Well, barely! Unlikely! But he arrogantly said this to you, Henry! Are you gonna shut up and let him? If you do that, then you are not a man! You are a *&#% What would he and others think of you? That’s true, you are right! People might think I’m a(fill in the blank) but don’t you think if we do it differently this time, things may turn good for all concerned?
So, work on your dialogue with yourself to overcome the daily distractors. The same goes for money, job, disturbing colleagues, arrogant Boss, unhappy friend, you name it. Allow grace & bliss to flow and keep in mind that it is a practice. It is one of the most important practices in the ZEN philosophy.
It was the practice of Rumi and Sufism. It was the practice of Noah when he was building the ARC. It was one of the practices prophets applied on a daily basis.
Have you ever thought of allowing Grace?
When you allow grace, you allow the light, the joy as this energy contains you, you go helix moving upwards. It is scary when you switch from fear mind-set to grace especially given the present situation of the planet at this time. However, it is easily obtained when you see that whatever happening is through grace. Grace is a great antidote for fear or any problem you are dealing with in your life. Especially with problems you want to deal with on your own!
People on this planet would live in miracles if they realized and internalized this universal law. If you find what I’m saying to you kind of challenging, allowing yourself to think about this concept shall put you on track to switch from fear and apathy to joy, freedom, and light.
The Beauty of Grace
When you have grace in your energy field, you become one with all that is. You will generate much light, this way you turn into a beacon with big radius around you that affects its surroundings. This happens because your integration with the high supreme creates ripples that interact with the unseen Divine network (the Matrix), this energy interacts with the field energy of others, creatures, particles, atoms, all creation. Their reptilian brain will pick it.
Therefore, it attracts everything. This energy field can be active as long as you allow grace. As a matter of fact, the law of allowance triggers the law of attraction and some other laws. Creation, circumstances and possibilities are activated for what has to come to you for the purpose of expansion.
Every moment of your day is in touch with the infinite supreme. Call it whatever you want to call it God, Divine, Allah, or Krishna. Ask it proactively to show you the revelation about any issue happening in your life, any problem in your life, and it will be shown to you instantly. The path will be shown to you. Trust me!
Praise and thank the infinite supreme and laugh aloud! Realize its presence in the eye of everyone and the soul of everything. Live your life fully; you are here to experience it for the purpose of expansion. You are not a victim. You didn’t come to this body to be a victim. As long as you don’t realize this truth, you will play the victim. Shakespeare wrote sonnets about this.

Immerse Yourself in Grace! It’s an opportunity!
Look around you, take a deep breath, allow the flow to come through every cell in your being, let it consume you and you give back and consume it. Give & take. This is your signal that you are on your course of accepting your right to be, your right to being who you are. You are the Divine in essence. So let it be!
I hope you enjoyed reading this post. I am thankful for your support, comments, and kindness. Many of you thanked me for the previous post. I had more than eighty interactions with you. Isn’t that awesome? How does it get any better than this? and this one is a thank you post for all of you, beloved friends.

I am making the topic of “How to deal with problems in your life?” as chapters as many of you suggested this idea in the comments and through e-mails. I call it Divine grace & inspiration. I will make a YouTube video of this post, and place it under this blog, thus whenever you forget you can either read the post or listen to it. I’m working on the vocalizing the video for the time being!
Love & Gratitude!