Earth Spiritual Update (The real enemy, The dark Elites, The Alliance and The Galactic Federation of Worlds)

"Love is What Binds Us" Commander Val

This post will be a small update of what’s been happening and also will start with a reminder of how we came to this point as species who inhabit this planet…The pandemic and the reset.

If you are here, then know that you are guided to see this post. There are no coincidences!!!

What happened 70 years ago?

Approximately 70 years ago government leaders and the military-industrial complex controlled by the elites made agreements with malevolent extraterrestrials. It was a huge mistake that governments thought only about the financial outcome to better up their economies, bring about personal gains and power, and never thought of what these agreements can bring about to the fate of humanity. But did they care? Only very few of them!

Who did our governments have a deal with?

They had agreements with two main E.T malevolent species. The first one is what many call the “Greys”. They are named the “The Orion Alliance or Nebu”. Keep in mind that not all E.Ts from Orion are bad! The second E.T species is named the “Reptilians” or the “Ciakharr”.

What were the agreements about?

Both E.T species are massively advanced technologically so they offered Governments & elites cutting-edge inventions and technology solutions and in return, governments offered underground facilities, human abductions for experimentation (and their own needs for human blood, flesh, DNA, and energy), human trafficking. They tricked leaders in many ways to get what they need which is leading and having control over our planet through governments. Control over this planet has been for millennials.

They dictated fake or real events, policies, rules, and laws using all media platforms, controlling the health care system, the food industry, banks, all Earthly resources, space, and the moon such control brought about tremendous negative effects on our societies and well being.

The real enemy is unseen! Most of us want to see in order to believe but remember the war has never been televised! Aliens do not exist! Thus, you and I are never meant to know this…The enemies are smart! The enemies use governments to get what they want! And yet, we still blame every governor and president expecting the next one to be savior…Governments are slaves for them…Governments do what they are asked to do, to get their little benefits and fame…governments are proxies…they are under pressure to do what they promised upon agreements.

The Role of The Galactic Federation of Worlds

Dating back to the 1950s, the Galactic Federation of Worlds made agreements with leaders who had a different vision for planet Earth. Together those countries comprise The Earth Alliance.

Who are the GFWs?

The Galactic Federation of Worlds is a military organization comprised of benevolent extraterrestrials that work together to maintain peace and balance in our galaxy. They are spiritually evolved however they are not spirit guides or Gods. They have the law of non-intervention. They do not intervene with the experiences of Earth people or other E.Ts in this galaxy. However, if a less advanced civilization has been invaded by a hostile species, they have a duty to intervene in the interest of keeping balance in the universe.

Who are the Cabals?

The cabals are elite bloodlines that have hands in governments. We can say that they control all governments on this planet…governers may or may not know of this subtle control…the point is that the control is there…they dictate the scenarios of everything…some of these cabals are hybrids in their souls and DNA…a mixture of human malevolent E.T…meaning that they can act and behave without emotions like the reptilians Ciakharr species…some their minds and souls are completely hijacked and controlled by either the Nebu or the Ciakharr….keep in mind that the human vessel can be hijacked and monitored not only from far away planets but from unseen dimensions…with the right technology and tools this can be achieved.

The Cabals work with the reptilians and the nebu greys and the Earth alliance works with the GFWs

The Galactic Federation of Worlds’ responsibility is to take out the military force of the Cabal (Hostile Extraterrestrials)so that the Earth alliance can safely dismantle the cabal. To this date, We are told that Mars and the Moon are liberated. The war underground is nearly complete. The pandemic period is an unseen war. There has been a lot of UFO sightings all around the world. The war began in 2017 during the presidency of Mr. Donald J. Trump who was supported by the GFWs and reached its peak in 2020. The war has been physically going in space and underground of many many cities around the world, we have observed earthquakes, forest fires, and other seemingly natural disasters. And also some of us went fighting during our sleep as it was going on the spiritual level.

The Last Fight

The cabal’s last efforts are to win the war on consciousness. They want to control your spiritual guides, angels, and ancestors through your crown chakra…it’s no coincidence they call the virus the corona. The cabals used their allies (Nebu greys and reptilian ciakharr) mind control techniques to spread and induce fear and false events on humanity. Do not fear anything because we got support from our friends the GFWs…they helped us dismantle the satellites and many many 5g towers, and also the trackers injected into our bodies.

The Jupiter Agreements

Since the war is almost over, and hostile extraterrestrials have been eliminated it’s time for planet Earth to come together as one planet with an organized military force in space to defend the planet from future invasion. also, release and manufacture the suppressed technology that was wrongfully withheld by the Cabal.

In July 2021, meetings took place on a giant space station orbiting Jupiter. The Earth Alliance, the GFWs, and corporations (space x, Virgin, and amazon from the U.S and famous companies from Germany, Russia, and China) made agreements to manufacture a star fleet, mass-producing healing technologies, free energy, and more.

I highly recommend watching the videos on Exopolitics by Michael Salla.

Richard Branson,Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk were in the Jupiter meeting. They are going to cooperate with the GFWs.
Elon Musk Tweet Reveals Solar Warden/Earth Alliance Spacecraft

The New World and the awaited golden ages are here…these are actually exciting times…we have won on many levels…it’s all about time to see manifestations of the good…be patient and observe the subtle change coming by 2030…do not let the events happening nowadays to let you down.. we are being freed after thousands and thousands of enslavement, tyranny, and manipulation.

We look forward to hearing your comments and thoughts,

Love and Gratitude ✨💖🐬🦅🌌🚀🌈


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Henry Fadl the Edification Coach
Henry Fadl the Edification Coach
Hi, my name is Mohand Henry Fadl and I am an educator with a keen interest in personal & spiritual help and development. This site was set up to help you in your journey of life and be a beacon hub for likeminded people. Please feel free to contact me if you have any comments, questions or suggestions.