Chakra Activation for Improved Well Being

Chakra Activation for Improved Well Being

The entire universe is composed of different forms of energy, and human beings are no different. However, if you haven’t heard of chakras before, you are in for a surprise.

Hold on to your seat as we help you learn more about what chakras are, and how chakra activation can help transform your life for the better.

The Seven Chakras

Chakras are vast yet confined pools of energy located at different spots in our body. Chakra is an old Sanskrit word for ‘wheel.’ This denotes the fact that the force of life, or to be more precise, the energy within our bodies is constantly moving and spinning.

There are a total of seven different centers of energy in the human body. They start at the base of your spine, moving all the way up to the top of your head.

The seven chakras include the following:

  1. Muladhara – Root Chakra
  2. Svadhisthana – Sacral Chakra
  3. Manipura – Solar Plexus/ Navel Chakra
  4. Anahata – Heart Chakra
  5. Visuddhi – Throat Chakra
  6. Ajna – Third Eye Chakra
  7. Sahasrara – Crown Chakra

How Chakra Activation Can Transform your Life

Chakra activation plays a vital role in living a happy and healthy life because it allows the energy to flow freely. If your chakras are underactive, blocked, or inactive altogether, it can have adverse effects on your physical and emotional health.

On the other hand, chakras that are open and working in harmony with each other give you a sense of inner peace. They help you become more self-aware and provide psychophysical benefits that encourage and enable you to push forth towards excellence.

Let’s take a look at what each chakra is responsible for. This will help you develop a better understanding of how activating the seven chakras assists you in the journey to living a more purposeful and successful life.

1.     The Root Chakra

The root chakra is responsible for a feeling of security. It has to do with basic survival, i.e., being well aware of your surroundings and feeling comfortable in different situations.

Since this center of energy is connected to the legs, it has a direct impact on your sense of balance and your self-confidence. When the root chakra is active and working properly, you feel safe and happy. However, if it’s underactive or overactive, you are likely to feel nervous and insecure all the time.

Doing yoga, walking, and performing household chores like dusting and cleaning are recommended for the proper working of the root chakra.

2.     The Sacral Chakra

The sacral or splenic chakra is related to pleasure, passion, and creativity. The energy of this chakra controls your reproductive system and has a significant impact on mental health.

If the sacral chakra is blocked, you will feel angry and/or guilty too often, in addition to having frequent mood swings. Opening and balancing the second chakra will help you in developing healthy and long-lasting relationships.

3.     The Solar Chakra

The third chakra controls your self-esteem, confidence, and courage. It controls the working of the digestive system too.

The blockage of the solar chakra makes you passive and indecisive. Or it can make you aggressive instead. By activating this chakra, you are able to maintain a dignified composure as you stay in control of your emotions rather than letting your emotions take control of you.

4.     The Heart Chakra

The fourth chakra is the central chakra. It is the ‘heart’ of all the energy flowing in your body. It is the link between spiritual, mental, and physical health. Activating this chakra makes you more generous, compassionate, and considerate. It enables you to love unconditionally and reflects positively on your relationship with friends and family members as well as your own self.

5.     The Throat Chakra

The throat chakra is connected to proper communication and self-expression. It enables you to express yourself in a way that pleases everyone, thereby strengthening your relationships.

If the throat chakra is blocked or underactive, you are likely to be more shy and introverted in nature. Contrary to that, if it’s overactive, you might feel the urge to talk excessively and usually, unnecessarily. This is likely to make you a poor listener too.

Taking art classes or expressing your inner feelings through similar means can help in regulating the energy of the throat chakra.

6.     The Third Eye Chakra

The sixth chakra deals with insight. It controls your intuition and enables you to perceive things beyond reality. Activating the third eye chakra helps you connect with your higher self – i.e., it makes you more alert, active, and highly perceptive. 

If this center of energy is blocked, you will become selfish and self-centered, and more receptive to negative thoughts. Put simply, an underactive or inactive sixth chakra deters you from working hard to achieve your dreams.

7.     The Crown Chakra

As is evident by the name and location, the crown chakra is the highest source of energy in your body. It is associated with enlightenment and true spirituality. It connects you with the energy of the entire universe as it is the chakra of knowledge, freedom, and bliss.

Opening this chakra makes you one with the universe as you understand the real meaning of life and death.

Chakra Activation –Become Your Best Version

Activating the seven chakras
Image depicting the seven different chakras in the human body.

Embrace Life by Opening the Chakras

Now that you know about the power of each chakra, take a moment to consciously tune into your body and feel the individual pools of energy at work.

The following exercises will help you open up the chakras and balance out their energies to achieve a sense of fulfillment and improved well being.

Try doing this daily for the best results.

Chakra Activation for Beginners

  1. Find a quiet place and sit down on the floor with your legs crossed.
  2. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Let stress and anxiety escape as you focus on your body, feeling every muscle relax.
  3. Bring your attention to the base of your spine. Feel the pulsating energy near your tailbone by imagining a small bud that slowly opens up into a bright red flower. This activates your root chakra.
  4. Now, move your focus to your lower abdomen – just below the belly button. Feel how it moves in synchronization with your breath. Imagine a vivid orange-colored circle of energy glowing at the spot. This activates your sacral chakra.
  5. Next, bring your hands in front of your stomach and join the palms together. Straighten out the thumb and fingers so that they point away from you.  Pay attention to the spot in the center of your stomach that is in line with your elbows in this position. Feel a warm yellow light radiating from the place. This activates your navel chakra.
  6. Next, bring your focus to the heart. Zero in on the center of your chest, imagining a lively green pool of energy. This activates your heart chakra.
  7. Moving up gradually, start focusing at the point where your collar bones meet. Picture an intense blue light spinning at this spot. If you suddenly feel the urge to clear your throat, that’s okay. This activates your throat chakra.
  8. Now, start concentrating on the space between your eyebrows. Imagine a bright light of indigo color emanating from the spot. This activates your third eye chakra.
  9. Finally, shift all your focus at the center of the top of your head. Visualize a luminous beam of violet light that slowly illuminates your whole body. It eventually spreads outwards, brightening up your surroundings and connecting you to the world at large. This activates your crown chakra.

Chakra activation is the key to improving both physical and mental health. Hopefully, this article would have given you sufficient information on how to go about activating the seven chakras to achieve true well being.

I hope that this post is helpful. I look forward to hearing your comments, suggestions & questions. Love & Enlightenment!


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