Benefits of Spiritual Awakening


“The spiritual awakening process is like rebirth. Gradually, the false pretenses that had once blinded us is replaced with a great awakening to our Savior. To His true nature. To His wonderful character. To His faithfulness.”

― Dana Arcuri, Sacred Wandering: Growing Your Faith In The Dark

In this blog, I’ll share a session I had with my teacher Sri Bhagavan when I was in India about the benefits of spiritual awakening. The session consists of some questions and answers related to spiritual awakening. You may feel offended about this blog. I have no choice but to share the TRUTH with you about Spiritual awakening. Enjoy reading.

How does awakening help?

“Awakening helps in every aspect of life. It helps to cope with stress and difficult situations. Another thing is, if you are not awakened, it is not worth living. The unawakened person can better go. He is a burden on this planet. He is a burden on himself he is a burden for everyone. He is not living. If you are not awakened, thought is flowing all the time. The past is flowing to the present, to the future. What is there is, only the past. The future is not there. Only the past is flowing and the past is dead like-dead matter. Most of the time, you eat dead food. Most people do not know what to eat and how to eat. If we give you real food, you will run away from the place. What you eat is dead food. Similarly, these thoughts are dead matter now.

Mohand Henry Fadl

You are actually dead. You don’t even know that you are dead. That is your life. There is no joy in your lives. There is only pleasure in your lives. Only when you become enlightened, you feel ‘Whooooh, this is what it is to live”. This is paradise, but you are searching for paradise. You are in heaven and you are saying it is hell. You have to become enlightened. Leave alone other things. If you are not going to be enlightened, what is the use of your living? If you are not going to be a Buddha or a Mahaveera or a Krishna or a Ramana, what is the use of your lives? Just going to Dubai and making all that money? Well, that is necessary. But, otherwise what is there to your lives? I don’t see any difference between you and a garden lizard. That is the condition”.

How does spiritual awakening influence one’s financial situation, health condition, and relationships?

We are all controlled by a program. The program consists of what happened in your past lives, what happened at the moment of conception, what happened while you were in the womb, the actual delivery; whether it was a natural delivery or forceps were used or it was cesarean delivery. Then the first six hours whether you are touched or not. or whether you are put in an incubator. Then the first six years. This constitutes the program. This controls your life. It controls your finances, your health, your relationships and everything in life.

The program has positive aspects as well as negative aspects. When you get awakened, it switches off the negative aspects, because of that, you become free of your financial problems, you have more success in life, your health improves, your relationships improve, everything starts improving. For example, if you’re having financial problems-, you will develop wealth consciousness, as you develop wealth consciousness, wealth comes to you.

What are the most important things we should do to make our life more abundant and joyful? As for putting effort into this matter, is there any difference between the awakened one and the unawakened?

You have got to accept yourself. You have to love yourself. If you do these things with some effort, you would get some benefit. But if you could do this thing effortlessly, that is a total transformation. Everything in your life would fall into place. The problem is we do not accept ourselves as we are and we do not love ourselves as we are. When you get awakened, you could effortlessly do this.

Spiritual awakening is all about a neurobiological shift in your brain. This cannot be brought about through you. The Deeksha that we use sets in motion a process by which it automatically happens, so all that you need to do is you should not resist the Deeksha; that is your contribution. If you do not resist, the Deeksha begins a certain process that actually transforms your brain. Unless there is a change in the physical brain you will not be awakened.

Can an awakened one hurt another awakened person? Does Awakened one have any charges?

It can happen at low levels of spiritual awakening. At higher levels of spiritual awakening, it does not happen.

What is a “shift”? or some call it Spiritual Shift? What happens within that person?

A shift involves a change in perception. Example: if you do not love your wife when a shift occurs, you start loving her. Just in a moment, you start loving her. A change of perception. That’s what a shift means.

How does spiritual awakening happens to people who have a psychiatric illness, mood disorders, and addictions?

Nothing stops spiritual awakening even mental illnesses. I had the opportunity to get to know many friends when I was there in Chennai at Oneness University campus. Some friends suffered from mental illnesses and various addictions. Most of them became fully spiritually awakened.

Mohand Henry Fadl
Heart Chakra symbol (Right bottom corner)

“The spiritually awakened one responds from the heart whereas the unawakened one reacts from the head.”

When a spiritually awakened person sees a beggar on the road, on some days he may feel moved and help. On other days, he may say “all is fine” and do nothing. In either case, there is no thinking involved. He does not think about it. On the other hand, it is possible to think about it! The unawakened one may think that the beggar is lazy, “he is being punished by God”, “it is his karma” etc. But when you are spiritually awakened, there is no thinking involved. Only the awakened knows what that is like. However, until you are spiritually awakened, all actions are from the head or the intellect.

I hope you like this post. I look forward to hearing and reading your comments. Feel free to ask any questions about the topic. Love you! :))))


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