Attention, What is Really Happening Now? My communication with the Galactic Federation Of Light!

I’ll share what I know, experienced, and understand to be the truth as it is multifaceted. I wasn’t going to share such information as many people on our planet wouldn’t simply want to comprehend or think it is bogus. I’m not pushing any agenda as loads of them are pushed onto us without you being aware of them.

I advice you to be discerning in this post and get the part that assists you in your journey.

One thing I’ll talk about is this funny recent virus and the other is George Floyd and I hope you didn’t fall into those mental, emotional, spiritual, and multidimensional traumatic traps.

Let me tell you what I’m going to write in this post.

1 The Virus briefly

2 The Unseen war. Who against who?

I also look forward to reading your comments and guidance as we all experience life through filters.

1# The Virus briefly: COVID-19

If you follow my activity online, you will notice that I have recently created a YouTube Channel during the period of COVID-19 as I was not only inspired but felt the urge on my side and guided by different energies to do it…Do it for the people…For the planet…This blog was created back in August 2019. I uploaded twenty-something blogs about awakening and some of my experiences.

Purpose of my online presence

I tried to follow what the specialists recommended me to get your attention. The sole purpose of my online presence is to shed light on real education especially the school of thought, spirituality and mainly the truth.

I want to challenge your thinking. I want you to move your bum. I want you to remember who you really are. I want you to pause and look which is hard especially with attention deficiency going on with many of you checking your phones every minute.

How I felt at the beginning…(The Pandemic)

I got shocked then so furious the moment of the pandemic when announced as my personal business as a consultant literally paused. I just couldn’t stop that energy of disappointment leaving my energy field. It was so tense.

Honestly, I never thought that we are in deep hell as humans. I am aware of the killing, sacrifices, human child abductions, cannibalism and slavery on an energy level, spiritual wars and all the darkness that ever brings.

Not a new Chapter! A New Book

But, This is something that stopped literally everything. I got two signs in my dream before the pandemic that something big was about to happen. I was guided by the end of 2019 through my meditations and reading a series of books to follow and communicate with light beings (Galactic Federation of Light) which I will talk about in this post. They are the reason I’m writing this post.

Contact from the GFL

They or their alliances visited me last night (How on Earth did you know that they were them? Well, It’s a long story I won’t talk about here but I literally called for their guidance as they must respond when called). Moving on, they woke me up three times. It didn’t happen physically but on an energy level, I felt the energy which was overwhelming that I couldn’t breathe, my heart was pumping loud and my ears were ringing.

I didn’t know that they were trying to communicate quite contrarily I thought it was either because I ate late or just malicious spirits passing by.

I cannot keep it anymore and I must share this information. If they take down this blog, so be it.

The Virus

This pandemic is a multidimensional effect of many things that have been happening on the planet and beyond. One of them is the lower frequencies we all humans agreed upon to create by acquiescence to the epically failing worldly systems. I’m talking about the matrix on the third dimension. The system of the matrix began to experience errors, actually fatal errors.

We Got Sold

We, humans, bought into the idea of religion and enslavement to physical materialities running after money selling our souls by studying in systems designed for its own superficial benefits, hidden cunning agendas energy sucking and signing contracts to do some work for exchange of our time telling ourselves that this is life and that’s the way it is.

We know if you do not work, you won’t survive you must have money for food and shelter. I understand that and I still work but on my terms. It is designed this way…It is a practice…It is a learned act.

The story of the Virus!

The virus is a cover-up for what is really going on. Part of the problem is that there is a war happening on this planet…For this planet. Think about it this way, we are being kept busy in fear by this virus and the hoaxed plot of Floyd’s death to ignite racism as brilliant distractors so the tough guys will fight each other.

2# The Unseen war. Who against who!

In the blue corner

To distinguish this group I will call them the “The Blue Corner” TBC – They are so-called the Illuminati freemasons and cabal who have been ruling, manipulating, confusing, and plotting almost every heard or unheard incidents in the history of this planet for ages.

I am talking before Jesus. They began in secret groups and managed to tap into sacred secrets of control and creations which was fine at the beginning but then things changed and took different ways.

Bug Off Henry 🙂

I’m sure you will say Henry is conspiracy theorist 🙂 and be my guest. The Elites coined the term “Conspiracy Theory” thus when someone like me talks about them, you will simply categorize me by a name. If one taught you about such information, you would not normally believe because they made you believe in their media, schoolbooks, and falsehood news.

So, I understand if you do not agree and I won’t even try to convince you. You are so programmed to see such truth. It is not easy to trust and believe the unseen but the truth is in your soul my friend. That is why I want you to think, meditate and be in nature. I want you to breathe and enjoy solitude. That is why I do what I do to awaken you. In addition, I must say that you have slept more than you ever needed my friend.

I am a Mason but Am I bad?

By the way, not all masons, freemasons kabbalist and cabal are bad (and yes, there is a difference between a mason and a freemason). Some are really good and have been doing great work on this planet. As a matter of fact, they are supporting and channeling higher orders from the GFL (Galactic Federation of Light).

Almost everyone who was chosen to be a mason or a freemason didn’t know what they are mainly involved with but being a mason is cool and classy.

In the red corner

The red corner is The GFL (Some factions of it, not the whole as some of them design and plot the advancement of humanity). The GFL consists of tens of thousands of members (thousands of different species) who have an agreement to create peace and respect the free will of the advancement of each star or galaxy.

The Galactic Federation of Light in Brief

The GFL is a monumental organization that does not just cover 3D Earth and 5D but it actually extends into other densities as well. It is very multi-layered and is very multi-faction. It has a lot of different factions and different levels.

There are higher, middle, and beginner rankings. Each rank has its agenda. The rules of perceptions, understandings, the angles of understanding, and interest vary depending on many many outcomes according to each density and or level. The federation overlaps all these different worlds, densities, and levels, which we humans are not aware of or struggle to comprehend.

Rules & Order

The thing I am talking about is a very complex subject. The higher rankings of the GFL interfere when necessary or delegate missions to a certain race from the alliances to carry out a certain task/s to help any other race without interference with their will. They always underline this fact. They clearly state that they cannot change you unless you are ready and energetically capable of taking the transformation.

Anything happens around the galaxies has to go through the confederation. The GFL is fully aware of what’s happening currently on our planet and doing their best to provide guidance when requested as we somehow as they said we came to a crossroad. The higher ranks of the GFL are so intelligent and their understanding goes far beyond our comprehension as most of us look for quick and shortcut solutions.

So, What on Earth is going on, on our planet? Briefly!

I want to inform you from my own understanding, knowing, pure intentions to find the truth, continuous search for the truth, spiritual guidance, energy work and meditation and especially after their night visit to me during my sleep on June 13th 2020 and experiencing an overwhelming stream of energy download after I asked for their guidance as I physically woke up and headed to the balcony to breathe. (The main reason I paused posting videos and writing here!!!)

The transmission was powerful and I thought my heart won’t be able to take it…that the GFL is behind the current situation on our planet…Yes…! In fact, not the whole federation but certain factions and groups within the Federation are pulling strings of the secret societies, biggest bankers and corporations on our planet.

What on Earth?

Let me explain…They are indirectly putting tremendous pressure on the current draconian system, this narcissist, and evil, self-serving, malicious and reptilian system.

They made them make a move. The current system’s two big moves you know them the pandemic and George’s Floyd death. There are many other moves that we are not aware of such as natural disasters or unexplained phenomena. There will be more in the coming weeks directed towards the political side in the US against Trump as to my surprise appears to be with the GFL or some factions of it!!!

I’m not into politics and do not support sides as the Elites control both as puppeteers so it doesn’t matter who is in control. However, this time the GFL is surely inside the white house, the CIA, and Russia.

Back to my point. The problem with that certain part of the federation is that they are going hard or aggressively on the TBC. It is definitely not a constructive approach. I understand that our evolution will surely assist theirs tremendously as they are also evolving in their own way serving their own agendas.

Clash of Agendas

The GFL is huge to be judged in general. This is key my friend. We have some of our fellow seekers who are actually opposing the GFL and choosing opposing sides unfortunately supporting the tyrants, some are asking the GFL to stop their support sending tons of doubtful questions and some remained silent. In this universe, there are many malicious extra-terrestrials but there are many many many benevolent ones. We cannot simply judge the GFL as evil or being manipulative to serve their own agenda.

The current support of the certain group from GFL is happening because of the collective request of help from them. I have been asking for their help. Many have been asking for their help. Books and posts were written to call for help. Their last visit to me assured their hand in this game.

Unconscious Clash of planetary energy

There is a huge number of people who believe in the pandemic, its funny stories and scripted news and filling the energetic field of the planet with fear and scarcity. As soon as things get back to normal they will go back to what they had been doing and just aren’t ready or willing to transform which is ok.

If you tell them about such information, they will tag you as a conspiracy theorist, a rebel or crazy man because they are not ready, this is B.S and does not serve their aspirations and that is understandable it is what it is.

On the other hand, there is a small collective group that is soaring and fighting the tyrants by exposing their agendas to the public and contacting other realms. This is what I call unconscious clash of planetary energy. We have the people who are pulling strings on the tyrants, which made the tyrants make their moves resulting in a chaotic order confusing and scaring the people here.

Keep it up

I cannot blame anyone here. Nevertheless, I urge you to keep your energy level high and sound. We are all one and the people who are not ready to really grasp or see behind the curtains may probably go insane. I mean they will probably create more negative energy vortexes, which may backfire to humanity. This is what I meant when I said that a certain group from the GFL is going hard on TBC.

Captain America at 01:52:56 —What can you see? The virus, the Corona Beer and a mask!!!

Sacred Knowledge

TBC are the ones who managed to contain powerful knowledge long time ago. The type of knowledge when someone who isn’t consciously aware of its possibilities, without certain levels of mature higher consciousness he can use it to manipulate others for personal gains.

This kind of knowledge is obtained when you pass certain levels of higher consciousness or by being ready after certain initiations and acceptance by the GFL.

As Above So is Below

There are no short cuts to levitate your awareness and consciousness. Things have got to go through experiences. You cannot have summer when it’s time of winter just because you want summer. There are rules, laws and regulations in the universe as well as there are ways to hack these rules, laws and regulations. As above so is below.

Story of The Kid & The Pen

 Let me give you an example and this is just an imaginary story but similar to the ancient story happened between the TRC “GFL” and TBC. Simply think of a four years old child who finds an mysterious colourful pen in a huge museum, which has a library. The child wants the pen because he is curious and heard stories about it. The pen is powerful it can write books, essays and does many tricks.

It is special and magical. You are a very old man who is responsible for the museum and its premises. You tell the kid that he cannot use it because he does not know how to write and do not tell the kid about the other features.

The kid is so curious and wanting to get it telling you that he is not different from you and that he wants to be like a grown person and writes that essay. You tell the kid that you know that with love and respect and that you are the same but the kid is still little and that he has to go through several stages and experiences to learn to write that certain essay.

Museum Quarantine

You ask the kid to put the pen where he found it but the kid refuses and cries. One day the kid plots to take that pen. He manages to get the pen and decides to write everywhere making a huge mess in the library. He figures out how to use the tricks of it. The little kid finds a box filled with similar pens in the museum and calls his friends who were also so desperate to get that pen. The very old man finds out about the situation and decides to close the library with all the mess inside. The police interfere and arrests the kid but fail to arrest the others. The kids who managed to escape hid the pens plotted to wait until they grow and take over the museum with its library.

I have no issues towards kids I have two lovely ones. I chose children to demonstrate that their consciousness develops relatively according to their age, experience and environment. Apparently the once I mentioned in the story are malevolent and need to be educated and guided carefully.

Have you already guessed who was who?

I believe from the story you could at least guess who the characters are. The kid & kids are TBC and the old man is TRC (GFL).

The TBC has built a similar system to the GFL as orders come from the top going through governments, army, police, foundations, ministries, directors and coordinators. When a ministry receives an order it goes to the next level then the next to the people no questions asked. We came to a point that we do what’s been ordered without questioning, thinking that’s the way it is and that people in the top know better. No wonder education systems are based on memorizing and scores. It isn’t a coincidence.

It’s Time

Yes. It’s time for humanity to get up on its feet. It is time to stop acquiescing to a fascist system that is designed to divide us saying “Black Lives Matter!” For God’s sake you have already used the word black, why not say human. Stop falling for such theatrical disgusting games. It’s over…This won’t go for long…The GFL is already here, they are shaking the chest board.

For me, it doesn’t matter if they are going rough shaking the boat of every being…What has been going on for millennials is beyond tyranny…Many won’t even believe the reality of those entities on the top. They are not humans. They are entities in human clothes without mercy, love, empathy and compassion. It is all a matter of time until all humanity awakens. Get ready for a bumpy ride!

I hope you enjoyed reading this post. I am sharing the GFL energy as they directed me to find people and get the needed information to write this post for you. It is written by design, order and plan. More to come soon.

Stay in Love & Gratitude
Hi, my name is Mohand Fadl and I am an educator with a keen interest in personal & spiritual help and development. This site was set up to help you in your journey of life and be a beacon hub for like-minded people. Please feel free to contact me if you have any comments, questions or suggestions.


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