Everything great that has ever happened to humanity… has begun as a single thought in someone’s mind.
In this post I’ll share four potent ways to reprogram your subconscious mind. There are certainly more than four ways but I’ll mention the ones that gave splendid results to me. The results of applying the methods I share will vary from person to person depending on many facets.
I highly recommend you to have a clarity of intention, put on the work, and be observant. You can reprogram yourself by using powerful affirmations, doing self-hypnosis, meditation, and using HO’PONOPONO.

#1 Affirmations
Our point of power is to be able to remain in the present. The present is your natural state. It is where you sow positive mental seeds to bring about new experiences. Science has proven that our brain can change and that it is a goal seeking organism. Any image, or outcome you feel, talk or actively think about, you will bring about.
Albert Einstein once said,
“The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.”
What are affirmations like?
Affirmations are positive and uplifting words that you say them aloud and or write them down preferably on a private journal to shift your mental state and focus in a constructive way. The beauty about affirmations is that you can design them in any way to serve you become the best version of yourself.
It is highly recommended to write and state them in the present tense make them brief, uplifting (positive feeling & emotion) and specific.

Examples of Affirmations
“I lovingly allow joy to express itself throughout my mind, body, and spirit.”
Reciting affirmations over and over is powerful. They will gradually help you to get rid of your hidden beliefs and barriers. Affirmations are miraculous, they call upon the energy of your objective end result to dwell on you so you act as if, they convince the subconscious mind that all is well.

#2 Self Hypnosis
Hypnosis is amazing. It is the ability to achieve a deep relaxation state which puts your brain in Alpha wave frequency. It is used to transform your state of consciousness. I learned hypnosis in-depth when I joined one of the courses offered by Steve G Jones & Dr. Joe Vitale in 2010. I was certified (Ericksonian Hypnosis) three months later.
The course was intensive and I was overwhelmed by the amount of information Dr. Jones passed to me. In addition, to be honest I was scared and skeptical in the beginning as I thought things may go wrong or I may do something wrong but that feeling left as I progressed in the course. I believe that this point (fear of Hypnosis) is one of the major issues of why people avoid approaching it.
Hypnosis is SAFE
Trust me hypnosis is safe nothing can go wrong with hypnosis. Think about it, most of us go through our day unaware of our negative thoughts and beliefs. It is believed that we have more than 60.000 thoughts daily. A big chunk of them are negative and covert. Don’t you think imparting positive statements to yourself is a good thing especially when you realize that we have many hidden discouraging beliefs? Exactly! That’s how you should think!
Science & hypnosis
Intensive scientific research over the last 200 years hasn’t showed even one negative case resulting from hypnosis or self-hypnosis. Milton Erickson showed that no evidence exists that hypnosis harms an individual’s behaviour, mental or spiritual health.
How Can I hypnotize myself?
There are many ways to hypnotize yourself. I’ll share with you two tips in this post.
A. You can simply sit down, close your eyes, play some relaxing music then be aware of your breath in and out. This helps you to calm and slow down. Then begin to say your objective suggestion to yourself quietly. I say my one objective suggestion at a time. I say my suggestion between a hundred to two hundred times.

Record Your Voice
I also learned to make use of technology using editing software and recording tools. At the beginning, I used my phone’s microphone to record my suggestion/affirmation. I’d add it to a simple editing software and add a loving inspiring background music. Then, sit down comfortably, light a candle and close my eyes.
Sample suggestions:
“Everything that is happening is happening for a greater purpose.”
“Although I may not be always aware of the meaning, I trust and believe that I benefit from the positive in every outcome.”
“I refuse to take anything negative a person says or does personally. I acknowledge that their strong reactions are based on their own issues.”

B You can count from a hundred backward by opening your eyes on even numbers and closing them on odd numbers. (100 open both eyes, 99 close both eyes, 98 open both eyes, 97 close both eyes) by doing this your attention will be brought to your center since you will be focusing on the counting and closing your eye.
Your conscious mind will get tired and decides to slow/shut down or sleep allowing the subconscious to open for any suggestions. I advice you to have your own suggestion/affirmation recorded with a relaxing background music to get the maximum benefits.
Any unwanted habit, any skill you want to acquire, and any positive change you would like to have in your life can be done by self-hypnosis. (I’m attaching a music video for relaxation & Meditation)

#3 Meditation
Many of us do not realize the value and benefits meditation yields on an individual’s life. It is the science of self & Divine realization. You become highly in tune with your creativity and intuition. I can go on and on and I assume you may know the benefits as well.
Why people don’t meditate?
We are beings of excuses. I myself had my own non-ending list of excuses. So, let me share my excuses and I’m sure that you will have similar ones to mine.
Excuses: I’m too young – I’m not enough – I’m not special enough – It’s complicated – I may not be a spiritual person – I don’t like religion. And my favorites: It takes too long & I don’t have enough time.
Shift your Mind set about Meditation
I believe that the practice of regular meditation like giving yourself a gift. Not only that but honoring, taming, and respecting yourself by putting in the time. It’s a free way to remember who you really are. It’s a free tool that will assist you to uncover your truth.
“We don’t naturally want to take responsibility for our lives. We want to give the responsibility to someone else. We blame them when our lives aren’t good.
Do you have 15 minutes a day?
Yes, you do. If you have time to watch TV, scroll your phone on social media, watch YouTube videos, make a sandwich, feed your baby, or driving to work for half an hour then you definitely have fifteen minutes to meditate during your day. It’s as simple as that.
The problem is that most times we confuse our priorities to seek what works better for us. Most times we prefer not to do anything but then when something wrong happens in the economy, we begin to blame outside circumstances.

It’s a Reflection
I’m not saying that I don’t deny the fact that the economy or my president is bad. What I’m saying is that we live in a world that reacts to everything on the outside and regardless of studying the laws of physics and mathematics at school, we fail to realize those implications of these simple laws in our lives!
We forgot about the law of cause and effect, the simple law of sowing and reaping, and the important role of every individual on this planet of co-creating the realities of the world we live in. We became so attached to the world and its delusional essence as it looks at events and believes that they are causes but not effects of the current consciousness of the individual and the world.
Og Mandino once said:
One of the painful prices we are paying for our so-called modern lifestyle in the final quarter of this twentieth century is that we are all becoming more and more alike. We all suffer through the same television shows, read the same magazines, wear the same fashions, and buy the same new frozen foods. We all live, and die, by the clock, cut each other off in similar-looking automobiles, pass up a night at the ballgame for a night at the office, never seem to have much time for our spouses or kids, watch helplessly as our oceans and lakes are poisoned, and try not to think of a hydrogen bomb landing anywhere near our city or town. We are all, as the years pass, falling in step in order to march to the beat of the same drummer, racing forward or backward at the same pace as all others, smiling almost on command—mass-produced beings with no more individuality than any of the millions of saltine crackers that emerge daily from the ovens of Nabisco.
The time to meditate is always there just allow yourself to see where it is. Start with five minutes, teach yourself to sit and do nothing. Then increase it to 8 minutes, then to ten then to fifteen minutes. Finally, have fifteen minutes in the morning and in the evening.
An invitation to Meditation
Write down on your journal an affirmation, a suggestion, prayer, or anything you desire to achieve in your life then:
- Find a quiet spot. Sit erect.
- Close your eyes. Take a deep breath for four seconds.
- Hold your breath for two seconds.
- Then, exhale completely for four seconds.
- Be aware of yourself, the way you are sitting
- Be aware of your breath
- Inhale deeply for four seconds, hold it for two, then release for four seconds.
- Do the process twenty times.
- Now, it’s time to affirm your statement out loud with confidence.
- Put your statement on your heart area and affirm it ten times.
- Inhale deeply for four seconds, hold it for two, then release for four seconds.
- Do the process twenty times.
- Thank and send gratitude to your higher self, God, Divine or the universe.
- Open your eyes
Congratulations, you have just meditated with purpose. You can also meditate for the sake of being centered only without inducing any suggestions.
The Peace of I:
“Peace be with you, all my Peace. The Peace that is I, the Peace that is I am, The Peace for always, now and forever and evermore. My Peace I give to you, My Peace I leave with you, Not the world’s Peace, but only my Peace, The Peace of I.”
Ho’oponopono is an ancient spiritual treatment practiced by Hawaiian Huna to free humanity from trauma, disease, and unconscious negative behaviors. HO’OPONOPONO cleanses your energy field by correcting, erasing, and sending negative data to source or as Dr. Hew Len calls it to “ZERO”. It works on the unseen.
Ho’oponopono was kept secret among the Hawaiian Kahunas until the early 80s when Morrnah Simeona decided to open it for the public. Morrnah moved from Honolulu to La Jolla, California and from there people’s lives were touched by her vibrant and beautiful energy.
She worked with businessmen, actors and writers. She passed her knowledge to many people and personally mentored Dr. Hew Len as he was with her for long time, who later cooperated with Dr. Joe Vitale to author “Zero limits” and conduct three seminars about the process.
Dr. Hew Len & Hawaii State Hospital
Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len worked at Hawaii State Hosiptal for four years as a therapist to treat the criminally insane. Psychologists and the staff occasionally quitted working at the hospital or called in sick. People felt obnoxious to work there.
How did Dr. Hew Len work with those patients?
Dr. Hew Len never seen patients or scheduled any sessions with them instead he worked on each patient’s file. He worked on himself applying the HO’OPONOPONO, as he worked on himself patients began to heal.
By consistently practicing HO’OPONOPONO patients were allowed to walk freely, the ones who were heavily medicated got lower doses or even miraculously healed and released from the hospital. Moreover, workers began to love coming to the hospital.
I was familiar with the work and books of Dr. Joe vitale. I read his books and when “Zero Limits” was released I read it four times. I had listened to the audiobook as well God knows how many times. I was trying to get the concept of this thing called HO’PONOPONO.
I applied HO’PONOPONO daily in my life and miracles happened. I was at the verge of destroying my life, my wife had committed suicide twice, I had issues at school with problematic students and negative colleagues.
It was sickening, I had financial issues, and on top of that I had serious issues with my Mom and Dad. My life was filled with darkness, misery, sadness, and severe headaches. I had my laughter and joy though I didn’t lose hope but for the most part, my life was out of order and complete lies and mess.

I didn’t know where to go and what to do although I began practicing meditation I wasn’t sure of what I was doing. Meditation and mindfulness definitely helped me during my early twenties. At the time I was aware that I couldn’t proceed in my life that way.
My meditation practice wasn’t regular. It was on and off. After bumping into HO’OPONOPONO in 2005 I then began cleaning on things in my life like work, relationships, and spirituality.
I began to have a sort of control as I was experimenting. I changed my job and was inspired to do more self-help courses and educational work on language. I was lead to do and join meditation groups. I created another stream of income from private lessons and mentoring students.
When my wife committed suicide for the second time two powerful tools were with me 1) Meditation 2)HO’OPONOPONO I HO’OPONOPONOED myself and wife, her family, and my family. I had contacted Dr. Hew Len and told him about my issues as I was inspired to contact him.
I was lucky and I’m grateful as I felt his energy and presence. Things transformed in a way I had never imagined, it was like I turned the table and the universe was on my side.
I healed my relationship with my parents and my wife was transformed and I can say that meditation helped her a lot to heal herself and her past. She also HO’OPONOPONOED things. I took responsibility and HO’OPONOPONOED her for hours holding beads in my hands. It is about taking complete responsibility.
I cleaned frequently
I remember I used to shiver, shake, weep, and cry for no reason. I got chills and aches on my body but then later slept like a baby. My wife was on a very heavy medical treatment and was sent to mental hospital for nearly two months.
Thanks to the last event done by both Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Hew Len I joined the live course and that literally altered my understanding towards any issue or situation in my life from that moment my perception and understanding toward life changed and changed for the best because I was so frustrated when shit (pardon my language) happened, I just didn’t know what to do or how to deal with garbage.
I took events in my life more seriously!
Now, understand this, life will bring you all kinds of experiences and that how things go in life, accepting life means accepting grace and flow. The point is that we are not taught or educated to allow life to flow conversely we are taught to victimize ourselves, to fight and hate. We are taught that we are not enough, we are taught to feel guilty and that there’s something wrong with us and that we are worthless.
My life has changed to the better. I still experience issues and problems but I know how to deal with them. HO’OPONOPONO isn’t a pill you take and your life would go without problems! It is a continuous practice. You got to find a way to remember doing it. HO’OPONOPONO will mysteriously unfold matters in your life layer after layer. And you will keep cleaning and cleaning.
Teach your Subconscious Mind
I learnt from Dr. Hew Len that cleaning with HO’OPONOPONO has to be on and on and that we can teach our subconscious mind to do it automatically for us. The more you practice the process, tell yourself (subconscious) that you want it to learn it and that it has to do it by itself regularly for you.
In order to install a powerful awesome program into your subconscious mind J Write down your intention, situation, or problem on a piece of paper. I suggest you get an agenda. Begin cleaning on the issue you can write “financial independence”, “Increase my salary”, “The land of my home”…Really?
Yes, I learned that you can apply the process on everything, as everything has its own level of consciousness like your TV, table, your car, carpet, and computer. I even wrote and cleansed on the matter of “Buying a car for my wife”! and began cleaning.
Write down let’s say your Boss’s name and surname (you will clean him and his family tree), If you wish you can begin with the prayers “The Peace of I”, “I am the I” or “The Transmutation Prayer”
The Peace Of “I” Prayer
Peace be with you, All My Peace, The Peace that is ” I “, the Peace that is “I AM”. The Peace for always, now and forever and evermore. My Peace ” I ” give to you, My Peace ” I ” leave with you, Not the world’s Peace, but, only My Peace, The Peace of ” I “.
I AM The I
“I” come forth from the void into light, “I” am the breath that nurtures life, “I” am that emptiness, that hollowness beyond all consciousness, The “I”, the Id, the All. “I” draw my bow of rainbows across the waters, The continuum of minds with matters. “I” am the incoming and outgoing of breath, The invisible, untouchable breeze, The undefinable atom of creation. “I” am the “I”.
HO’OPONOPONO Transmutation Prayer:
“Divine creator father, mother, son as one. If I my family, relatives and ancestors have offended you, your family, relatives and ancestors in thoughts, words, deeds and actions from the beginning of our creation to the present, we ask you forgiveness. Let this cleanse purify, release, cut off all the negative memories, blocks, energies and vibrations and transmute these unwanted energies to pure light and it is done.”
Then begin using the following words:
“I’m sorry” – “Please, forgive me” – “Thank you” – “I love you” – “ HO’OPONOPONO” be in a quiet and comfortable place, you may play some relaxing background music (I’ll attach rain sound music with HO’OPONOPONO” and do it for a couple of minutes, then instruct your subconscious mind to carry on the cleaning.
* HO’OPONOPONO is also a cleansing word.
The Pencil
I’ll share with you a technique I learnt from Dr. Hew Len himself. This is an amazing tool to use when you HO’OPONOPONO things. Get yourself an unsharpened pencil with an earser. Activate the pencil by looking at it saying “Dew Drop!” and don’t ask me why! Dr. Hew Len always says :”Don’t aske me why! Just Do it!”, “Look, you are doing it again; you don’t have to know anything, just do it!”

So, activate the pencil by the magical words, this is not witchcraft. Then, point the eraser toward your written statements and begin cleaning “boom, boom, boom, boom”. You don’t even need to say “I’m sorry” – “Please, forgive me” – “Thank you” – “I love you” because the pencil is a cleansing tool.
Remember that the universe, the superconscious and subconscious function with symbols and interpret any energy that’s why your intention has to be clear.
Things lose their magic and value when you know more about them!
Mohand Henry Fadl
There you have it, I have shared with you four powerful ways to reprogram your subconscious mind. Those four are indispensable in my life. Each one has amazing benefits and yields tremendous transformation in my life.
I have tried each and benefited from all of them. Try affirmations, try to hypnotize yourself, begin to meditate, and use HO’OPONOPONO.
Invite them to your life, take them full-heartedly in an easy, steady and slow manner. May the Divine Love Speed to you.
Note: I included a surprise cleansing video made by Dr. Hew Len. The video is a cleaning tool. Watch or play it in the background.
I hope you enjoyed reading this post. My intention is to help, serve, give & uplift humanity on this beautiful planet. I am here to serve and give more than I take. I look forward to hearing your comments, questions & suggestions.
Love & Gratitude