Here some helpful notes contain constructive beliefs and some of the quotes that you should contemplate on to upgrade your mindset of abundance. I advise you to print this page or take notes to get the most out of this post. Reading and contemplating on such information open the doorways of internal change.
Keep in mind that you must believe it to see it and experience the flow of abundance. Abundance is a flow and the information in this post will help you take more steps to riches.
“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
Eleanor Roosevelt
“Faith is the daring of the soul to go farther than it can see.”
William Newton Clark
“Faith is the force of life.”
Leo Tolstoy
“As your faith is strengthened you will find that there is no longer the need to have a sense of control, that things will flow as they will, and that you will flow with them, to your great delight and benefit.”
“Faith is not something to grasp, it is a state to grow into.”
Mahatma Gandhi

Faith and belief in Spirit
Have unwavering conviction that you deserve your abundance. Keep in mind that:
• Thoughts create energy
• Prayers create energy
• Keep them all flowing in the same direction
“Miracles happen to those who believe in them.”
Bernard Berenson
Practice unwavering conviction.
Faith and belief are ways of being, “a state to grow into” by practice
Connect to that which is already yours by:
• Taking a deep breath and go into a meditative state
• Knowing and feeling that you deserve abundance in your life
• Telling your body, mind and soul to remember the feeling
• Recalling that feeling, that way of BEING, whenever possible, all day long
Sometimes, it’s no one’s fault. The past is the past. Let it go.

How and why do we waver in our belief?
• Negative and traumatic experiences create defenses, ways of being, programs, mind chatter…
• Memories asking why cause behaviors that become reinforced and subconscious
• Mind chatter can create long-term negative effects on our lives
• Fear and lack of abundance – these cause you harm
“The outer conditions of a person’s life will always be found to reflect their inner beliefs”
Dr. James Allen
“You can have anything you want if you will give up the belief that you can’t have it.”
Dr. Robert Anthony
“Abundance is about elimination, not acquisition… The inner work here is to ELIMINATE any attitudes of lack, and other thoughts of wanting and grasping.”
Michael Bernard Beckwith – Founder of Agape International

What to do to create abundance in your life?
Step 1: What abundance blocks to remove?
Abundance mind chatter to look for – and REMOVE
• A time when you wanted something very badly, but didn’t get it
• You felt you didn’t deserve it anyway
• What you actually received hurt you in some way
• You were taught not to ask for anything
• Parents told you that you have to earn everything you get
Step 2: A little help from your friends
What to do when simply telling it to go away or asking Spirit to take it
away just isn’t working
• Spirit is your resource
• Wouldn’t you expect your parents take care of you?
• Spirit will do the same

Meditation Exercise:
Go into the meditative state in which you feel most comfortable. Find a quiet place, take some deep breaths, and go to your sacred safe place.
Feel yourself close to Spirit. Ask Spirit to show you the trauma, memory, or fear that keeps coming up when you are thinking about your abundance. Isolate that fear or perception and take a close look at it. Examine the cause behind it.
Understand why what happened to you causes negative thoughts to keep recurring in your mind. Maybe you find out it’s something you thought you had gotten over a long time ago. Feel how heavy the memory is; notice how it weighs you down, and how it’s keeping you from experiencing positive thoughts of peace.
Look at it closely again to make sure you realize how the memory of what happened is causing the negative thoughts that are keeping you from what you want in your life. Is the memory causing you to have fear that you might not get what you want? Is the memory telling you that you are silly to want it because it’s for someone else and not for you?
Is the memory causing you to tell yourself that you should be happy with what you have? Is the memory telling you that you are not good enough, or that you don’t deserve what you want?
Realize that what happened is in the past, and is no longer part of your current life. You have the memory of what happened, but you can now disconnect your thoughts from that memory. It’s just a picture from another time in your life. Understand that thoughts associated with that memory no longer need to be part of your life.
It’s just a memory, and therefore not real. Tell these thoughts that they are no longer part of your life. You can keep the memory, whatever it is, but you no longer give energy to the thoughts that were once brought on by having the memory.
Then see the thoughts and fears associated with this memory fade away and drop off. Feel the memory being neatly tucked away into your mind without any negative baggage attached to it. Feel yourself become lighter without the thoughts and fears.

Know that you can easily adjust to not having those familiar thoughts that once guided you. Feel the peace from not having those thoughts around. Realize that there is a space where those thoughts once were, and now that space is empty. Feel safe knowing that it is not up to you to fill that space – it is up to Spirit to fill it with love and abundance.
Tell yourself that you very much deserve the life you want to live. Feel the warmth from knowing that you are good enough to receive what you would like to have in your life. Feel the joy that comes from knowing that what you want is already part of your life and that you welcome it with smiles and an open heart. Believe that what you want is now yours, and have faith that Spirit will make it materialize in your physical life at exactly the right time.
As you come out of your meditation, put into your consciousness your new thoughts and feelings of joy, happiness, abundance, and deserving. For some of you, it may be a real shift to put positive thoughts in a place where negative thoughts have been for so long.
It may be a little scary, but you will soon get used to the good feelings it produces. You are older and wiser now, nothing is going to harm you, and you are safe knowing that positive thoughts are all you need to create the life you want.
Don’t forget to thank the Universe for helping you let go of your negative thoughts, and for being your true partner in your life. Thank Spirit for helping you move past your fears and for keeping you safe. Thank Them for helping you keep the fears away because you have learned this important lesson about memory.
As you come out of the meditation, be mindful of other voices that might come out and try to make you listen to negative thoughts. Remember that mind chatter will do all it can to try to fill the space of peace that you have created. Mind chatter depends on your negative thoughts for its survival, and it will do everything within its power to keep you believing in the negative scenarios it painted for you in the past.

Be on your guard, and you can be victorious over this insidious thief of your peace. All you need to do is keep ignoring it – and telling it to stop disturbing you. Just as you let go of one fear, mind chatter may try to insert another to take its place. Ignore that one, too.
As you come back fully into consciousness, these intrusive thoughts may fade, but you may want to go through the exercise again another time. You need to continuously remove any negative thoughts that arise, and keep that space open so Spirit can fill it with your requests.
Just like taking a shower, doing so once won’t keep you clean for the rest of your life. You live in a world full of opportunities for lessons, and sometimes you need to go over the same lesson more than once.
Also, realize that there are sometimes lessons behind lessons. Similarly, you might open a Pandora’s box when doing this exercise, which will require you to go through it, again and again, to cleanse yourself of unhealthy thoughts from your past.
You might bring up old memories that you’ve been suppressing that you had completely forgotten about; their energy, however, still remains and could pose a threat if you aren’t careful to remove them. All of this is just part of being human.
Believe that you are better than your memories, and have faith that Spirit is always beside you, helping you to learn your lessons, and eagerly waiting to reward your hard work and unwavering conviction with abundance in your new life.
Every time you go through this exercise, feel the weight being lightened. Feel the progress you are making. Notice that you can also feel the presence of negative thoughts lurking in the background – just waiting to pounce back in. Realize that every negative thought you release creates more space for Spirit to fill with love and the abundance you are asking for.
Know that thoughts are living things. The relief you experience when releasing negative ones should help you know with all certainty that this process is working for you and that you are making huge steps towards realizing the life you want to live.
Going with the abundance flow There is a magic that occurs (Spirit at work), and things begin to appear out of nowhere.

Ways to keep your belief and faith consistent
- Be in harmony with spiritual energy
- Only the dead fish goes with the flow 100%
- Pay attention Not to swim upstream / against the energy that is supporting you
- Detours are like rain forming a stream going downhill. It will go downhill. Don’t lose faith. Spirit sometimes needs to make adjustments
- It may seem like a long journey. Don’t lose faith. Sometimes
- Spirit takes side trips for your growth or other gains
- Sometimes there are delays. Law of Free Will. Don’t lose faith.
- Being steady and consistent in faith and belief
- Don’t let your mind chatter drive you off the road
- Trying to speed up so you can get there faster may not be a wise move
- Going too fast might cause an accident
- A slow and steady pace is advised
Notes about asking for abundance
• Be careful of what you ask for – because you might get it
• Ask for the experience of what you can handle
• Remember to KNOW you deserve it
• Remember to say Thank You to Spirit! Gratitude is a powerful tool. Practice it daily.

• Faith and Belief
• Keep your thoughts, energy and prayers flowing in one direction as much as possible.
• Ask for the life you want to live, believe you deserve the life of your dreams, be grateful when something appears.
• Go with the flow
• Know inside what abundance is for you
• Feel when you are in your own way
• Practice removing abundance blocks
• Clear your mind chatter to remove negative blocks to:
1. stop pushing abundance away and
2. Keep the positive energy flowing consistently
• Creating abundance is about removing barriers
• “Abundance is about elimination, not acquisition…”
• Pay attention to when you push abundance away
• Practice, practice, practice removing blocks

Asking for abundance
• Let Spirit into your life – your whole life.
• Spiritual energy flows through everything
• Allow Spirit to flow through all parts of our life.
• Ask “for the experience of…”, not “the money for…”
Abundance and your life path
• You don’t need wealth to be successful
• Support from Spirit can come in an infinite number of ways
• Fun, joy, love and peace are important in your life
• Be clear that you will use wealth and abundance to serve
Be patient, have faith, and watch the miracles happen as your family and friends in Spirit present your new life to you.
I hope you get the most out of this post. Make sure to listen or watch the video on our channel.
Love & Gratitude.