A Practical Simple Guide: How To Do Chakra Meditation?

HomeSelf Help ArticlesA Practical Simple Guide: How To Do Chakra Meditation?

There is room in the heart for all the affections, as there is room in heaven for all the stars.

Victor Hugo

Before I dive into how to do chakra meditation let me pass into some background information.

What are Chakras?

Chakras are metaphysical energy centres (wheels) that function at vibrations outside and beyond the physical world. You cannot touch, see or hear them. They are invisible to the naked eye. Chakras direct your energy field or your nonphysical body.

Our chakras are connected with our bodily organs. All solid matter has metaphysical form. Some scientist consider that any matter was formed by metaphysical matter.

As our bodily organs have duties to keep our body alive so do our chakras. Chakras work with our organs on an energy level (psychologically and spiritually) which contributes to our well-being.

Chakras transform energy from one form to another. As they receive and give energy, they vibrate and translate energies from physical to metaphysical and the opposite is true. As they function, they produce sound (we can’t hear) and carry certain colors depending on their location.

They produce energy. Although there are many chakras in our subtle body, our focus will be on the seven chakras

Why would someone want to do Chakra Meditation?

Here are some of the benefits chakra meditation yields on someone’s life:

  • Rejuvenate the nervous system
  • Reduce stress, heal depression, anxiety and panic attacks
  • Release from every day stress and worries
  • Develop one’s psychic potential
  • Experience the state of ecstasy, realization and cosmic consciouness

Keep in mind that when shift your subtle energy, you can potentially change some of what is going on in your life.

The Seven Chakras

I will not talk about the purpose of each chakra as I devoted a complete post to it. I instead will introduce them, their location, sound, and color. Knowing them will help you when we do the chakra meditation later. (Check out the video at the bottom)

1MULADHARA(Root Chakra)RedLamAt the base of the spine.
2SVADHISTHANA (Sacral Chakra)OrangeVamIn the abdomen.
3MANIPURA(Solar Plexus Chakra)YellowRamIn the solar or gastric plexus.
4ANAHATA (Heart Chakra)GreenYamBetween the
breasts, in the heart region.
5VISUDDHA(Throat Chakra)BlueHamIn the middle of the throat.
6AJNA(Third Eye Chakra)Purple/IndigoOmIn the mid eyebrow
7SAHASRARA (Crown Chakra)Pink/Lilac/WhiteOgum Satyam OmAt the top of the head or above it.

How to do chakra meditation? (Chakra Dhyana)

One of the easiest and potent chakra meditations is named “Chakra Dhyana. Chakra Dhyana meditation is a very powerful practice known to the Indian seers for over five thousand years. This practice basically involves concentration on the various chakras of our energy centers in the psychic body.

Activation of these chakras would mean opening up various doors of your consciousness thereby taking you to a very divine state of existence.

You should sit comfortably with straight spine with your index fingers gently touching the thumbs placing both your palms facing skywards on your laps. Close your eyes deeply inhale and exhale, relax yourself completely.

Wait for the chanting to begin and as you listen to the name of the chakra, you could visualize that chakra before your eyes or just concentrate on that spot in the body which will be mentioned periodically.

How to do Chakra Meditation?

As you listen to the mantra being chanted, you too could chant the same inwards or just silently focus on that chakra. When “Kundalini aruhanam” is chanted visualize a bright golden fluid flooding the chakra and turning it to bright golden color. This practice must not be performed in the lying down posture.

The power of chanting

Chanting is a very effective way to activate energy in your body. Chakra Dhyana activates and tunes the chakras using the sound vibration of the bija mantras. Each mantra has a unique sound that clears the blockages of the chakras to function effectively.

The First Chakra: When the instructor says, “LAM”: Focus on the root chakra (MULADHARA). Keep focusing on the root chakra and when he says, “Kundalini Aruhanam” visualize bright golden color fluid floods the chakra making it a golden color.

The Second Chakra: When the instructor says, “VAM”: Focus on the sacral chakra (SVADHISTHANA). Keep focusing on the sacral chakra and when he says, “Kundalini Aruhanam” visualize a bright golden color fluid flood the chakra making it to golden color.

The Third Chakra: When the instructor says, “RAM”: Focus on the solar plexus Chakra (MANIPURA). Keep focusing on the solar plexus chakra and when he says, “Kundalini Aruhanam” visualize a bright golden color fluid flood the chakra making it to golden color.

The Fourth Chakra: When the instructor says, “YAM”: Focus on the Heart Chakra (ANAHATA). Keep focusing on the heart chakra and when he says, “Kundalini Aruhanam” visualize a bright golden color fluid flood the chakra making it to golden color.

The Fifth Chakra: When the instructor says, “Ham”: Focus on the Throat Chakra (VISUDDHA). Keep focusing on the throat chakra and when he says, “Kundalini Aruhanam” visualize a bright golden color fluid flood the chakra making it to golden color.

The Sixth Chakra: When the instructor says, “Om”: Focus on the third eye (Ajna). Keep focusing on the third eye” chakra and when he says, “Kundalini Aruhanam” visualize a bright golden color fluid flood the chakra making it to golden color.

The Seventh Chakra: When the instructor says, “Ogum Satyam Om”: Focus on the crown chakra (SAHASRARA). Keep focusing on the crown chakra and when he says, “Kundalini Aruhanam” visualize a bright golden color fluid flood the chakra making it to golden color.

At the end the instructor will go right from the beginning chanting each chakra’s sound:

“Om MULADHARA” visualize as if it is completely healed and fully in golden bright color,

“Om SVADHISTHANA” visualize as if it is completely healed and fully in golden bright color,

“Om MANIPURA” visualize as if it is completely healed and fully in golden bright color,

“Om ANAHATA” visualize as if it is completely healed and fully in golden bright color,

“Om VISUDDHA” visualize as if it is completely healed and fully in golden bright color,

“Om Ajna” visualize as if it is completely healed and fully in golden bright color,

“Om SAHASRARA” visualize as if it is completely healed and fully in golden bright color,

The instructor will keep chanting “kundalini aruhanam” keep listening to him then gently lie down until the music is over. It isn’t recommended to move immediately after the meditation is over as healing and adjustment of the chakras and physical body will take please. Once the meditation is over, it is highly recommended to drink water, fruit juice and eat light meals as this process takes energy on multilevels.

I hope you enjoyed reading this post and hope you expand your consciousness.

Love & Gratitude

Hi, my name is Mohand Fadl and I am an educator with a keen interest in personal & spiritual help and development. This site was set up to help you in your journey of life and be a beacon hub for like-minded people. Please feel free to contact me if you have any comments, questions or suggestions.


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